Note that there are 2n-1 different such names for a string of lengh n, as there can or can not be a _
between any two characters. For your long-long name that makes 134,217,728
Regardless of what algorithm you use, this will take a very long time. One way to work around this, depending on your actual use case, might be to use a generator function. This way, you do not need to calculate all the variants, if maybe you need just a few of them (maybe just enough to find one that does not yet exist?). For example, like this:
def filename_generator(name):
if len(name) > 1:
first, rest = name[0], name[1:]
for rest2 in filename_generator(rest):
yield first + rest2
yield first + "_" + rest2
yield name
>>> list(filename_generator("name"))
['name', 'n_ame', 'na_me', 'n_a_me', 'nam_e', 'n_am_e', 'na_m_e', 'n_a_m_e']
Or, building upon the idea by @jacdeh, using binary numbers to determine where to put a _
def filename_generator(name):
d = {"0": "", "1": "_"}
for n in range(2**(len(name)-1)):
binary = "{:0{}b}".format(n, len(name))
yield''.join(d[s] + c for c, s in zip(name, binary))
Or similar, using bit shifting:
def filename_generator(name):
for n in range(2**(len(name)-1)):
yield ''.join(c + ("_" if n & 1<<i == 1<<i else "") for i, c in enumerate(name))
However, either both those implementation are pretty lousy, or it does not help much in the end: They are both about 10 times slower than the recursive function, according to timeit
Here's some timing information, using IPython's %timeit
magic method:
In [8]: %timeit filename_generator("longname") # your original function
1000 loops, best of 3: 610 µs per loop
In [9]: %timeit list(filename_generator1("longname")) # my recursive generator
10000 loops, best of 3: 22.5 µs per loop
In [10]: %timeit list(filename_generator2("longname")) # my binary generator
1000 loops, best of 3: 322 µs per loop
In [11]: %timeit partition_string("longname") # Eric's binary function
1000 loops, best of 3: 200 µs per loop