Below is my query to identify what hazard type does the buildings belong:
def floodhazard_tbl(request):
if request.method == "GET":
reference_high = FloodHazard.objects.filter(hazard='High')
reference_medium = FloodHazard.objects.filter(hazard='Medium')
reference_low = FloodHazard.objects.filter(hazard='Low')
#get all ids based on filter
ids_high = reference_high.values_list('id', flat=True)
ids_medium = reference_medium.values_list('id', flat=True)
ids_low = reference_low.values_list('id', flat=True)
# create a list
k = []
response_high = []
response_medium = []
response_low = []
bldg_id_high = []
bldg_ids_high = []
bldg_id_medium = []
bldg_ids_medium = []
filtered_bldg = []
# this code is results a messy JSON data that need underscore.js to manipulate
# in order for us to use datatables
for myid in ids_high:
getgeom = FloodHazard.objects.get(id=myid).geom
response_high = PolyStructures.objects.filter(geom__intersects=getgeom).values(
'brgy_locat', 'municipali').annotate(counthigh=Count('brgy_locat'))
bldg_id_high = filter(None,response_high.values_list('id',flat=True))
bldg_ids_high = bldg_ids_high + bldg_id_high
for myid in ids_medium:
getgeom = FloodHazard.objects.get(id=myid).geom
response_medium = PolyStructures.objects.exclude(id__in=bldg_ids_high).filter(geom__intersects=getgeom).values(
'brgy_locat', 'municipali').annotate(countmedium=Count('brgy_locat'))
bldg_id_medium = filter(None,response_medium.values_list('id',flat=True))
bldg_ids_medium = bldg_ids_medium + bldg_id_medium
filtered_bldg = bldg_ids_medium + bldg_ids_high
for myid in ids_low:
getgeom = FloodHazard.objects.get(id=myid).geom
response_low = PolyStructures.objects.exclude(id__in=filtered_bldg).filter(geom__intersects=getgeom).values(
'brgy_locat', 'municipali').annotate(countlow=Count('brgy_locat'))
#to_json = list(k for k,_ in itertools.groupby(k))
result = []
for d in chain.from_iterable(k):
return HttpResponse(list(json.dumps(result)), content_type='application/json')
I have this method(algo):
- After the
query, I get all the building that DID NOT intersect to the HIGH type of hazard and so on and exclude it in the next query(intersects) to avoid duplication (because there is a tendency that the building will intersect to the hazard polygon several times).
The code works but the response is slow, take 6 seconds to show the output.
And it is messed up, any optimization "technique" is appreciated. Thanks!