You need to enlarge tape because your initialization zeroes 101 bytes.
section .bss
tape resb 101
TheWhen in graphics mode, the teletype function uses the BL and BH registers as arguments.
mov bx,0007h ;Display page 0 and Color 7
(ifmov in graphicsah, mode)0Eh
mov al, byte [tape +di]
int 10h
When in text mode, the teletype function uses the BH register as an argument.
mov bh,0 ;Display page 0
mov ah, 0Eh
mov al, byte [tape +di]
int 10h
You can optimize the setup code by iterating backwards. It shaves off 2 instructions! It too will leave DI=0.
mov di, 101
sub di,1
mov byte [tape + di], 0
jnz setup_loop
I don't know if you would care but the code for [ ] by itself produces an infinite loop if the byte at [tape + di] is anything but zero.