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How idiomatic is this Haskell Luhn Algorithm?

Trying to get to grips with Haskell. Any feedback on my first steps, would be appreciated!

The problem is taken from

Given Credit Card number: 49927398716 

• Reverse the digits: 61789372994 
• Sum the odd digits: 6 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 42 = s1 
• The even digits: 1, 8, 3, 2, 9 
•  Two times each even digit: 2, 16, 6, 4, 18 
•  Sum the digits of each multiplication: 2, 7, 6, 4, 9 
•  Sum the last: 2 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 9 = 28 = s2
• s1 + s2 = 70 
• which, as it ends in zero, means that 49927398716 passes the Luhn test

import Data.Char

data Validity = Valid | Invalid deriving Eq
type CardNumber = String

luhnCheck :: CardNumber -> Validity
luhnCheck s = 
    let r = revDigits s
        (os,es) = oddsAndEvens r
        s1 = sum os
        s2 = sum $ map sumDigits $ map (*2) es 
    in if (s1 + s2) `mod` 10 == 0 then Valid
       else Invalid

revDigits :: CardNumber -> [Int]
revDigits s = map digitToInt (reverse s)    

oddsAndEvens :: [Int] -> ([Int],[Int])
oddsAndEvens is = 
    let digitsWithIdx = zip is (cycle [1,2])
        odds = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 1) digitsWithIdx
        evens = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 2) digitsWithIdx
    in (odds,evens)     

sumDigits:: Int -> Int
sumDigits i = sum $ map digitToInt $ show i

test :: Bool
test = let testData = ["49927398716", "49927398717", "1234567812345678","1234567812345670"]
    in  (map luhnCheck testData) == [Valid,Invalid,Invalid,Valid]

How idiomatic is this Haskell Luhn Algorithm?

Trying to get to grips with Haskell. Any feedback on my first steps, would be appreciated!

The problem is taken from

Given Credit Card number: 49927398716 

• Reverse the digits: 61789372994 
• Sum the odd digits: 6 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 42 = s1 
• The even digits: 1, 8, 3, 2, 9 
•  Two times each even digit: 2, 16, 6, 4, 18 
•  Sum the digits of each multiplication: 2, 7, 6, 4, 9 
•  Sum the last: 2 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 9 = 28 = s2
• s1 + s2 = 70 
• which, as it ends in zero, means that 49927398716 passes the Luhn test

import Data.Char

data Validity = Valid | Invalid deriving Eq
type CardNumber = String

luhnCheck :: CardNumber -> Validity
luhnCheck s = 
    let r = revDigits s
        (os,es) = oddsAndEvens r
        s1 = sum os
        s2 = sum $ map sumDigits $ map (*2) es 
    in if (s1 + s2) `mod` 10 == 0 then Valid
       else Invalid

revDigits :: CardNumber -> [Int]
revDigits s = map digitToInt (reverse s)    

oddsAndEvens :: [Int] -> ([Int],[Int])
oddsAndEvens is = 
    let digitsWithIdx = zip is (cycle [1,2])
        odds = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 1) digitsWithIdx
        evens = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 2) digitsWithIdx
    in (odds,evens)     

sumDigits:: Int -> Int
sumDigits i = sum $ map digitToInt $ show i

test :: Bool
test = let testData = ["49927398716", "49927398717", "1234567812345678","1234567812345670"]
    in  (map luhnCheck testData) == [Valid,Invalid,Invalid,Valid]

Haskell Luhn Algorithm

Trying to get to grips with Haskell. The problem is taken from here.

Given Credit Card number: 49927398716 

• Reverse the digits: 61789372994 
• Sum the odd digits: 6 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 42 = s1 
• The even digits: 1, 8, 3, 2, 9 
•  Two times each even digit: 2, 16, 6, 4, 18 
•  Sum the digits of each multiplication: 2, 7, 6, 4, 9 
•  Sum the last: 2 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 9 = 28 = s2
• s1 + s2 = 70 
• which, as it ends in zero, means that 49927398716 passes the Luhn test

import Data.Char

data Validity = Valid | Invalid deriving Eq
type CardNumber = String

luhnCheck :: CardNumber -> Validity
luhnCheck s = 
    let r = revDigits s
        (os,es) = oddsAndEvens r
        s1 = sum os
        s2 = sum $ map sumDigits $ map (*2) es 
    in if (s1 + s2) `mod` 10 == 0 then Valid
       else Invalid

revDigits :: CardNumber -> [Int]
revDigits s = map digitToInt (reverse s)    

oddsAndEvens :: [Int] -> ([Int],[Int])
oddsAndEvens is = 
    let digitsWithIdx = zip is (cycle [1,2])
        odds = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 1) digitsWithIdx
        evens = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 2) digitsWithIdx
    in (odds,evens)     

sumDigits:: Int -> Int
sumDigits i = sum $ map digitToInt $ show i

test :: Bool
test = let testData = ["49927398716", "49927398717", "1234567812345678","1234567812345670"]
    in  (map luhnCheck testData) == [Valid,Invalid,Invalid,Valid]
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How idiomatic is this Haskell Luhn Algorithm?

Trying to get to grips with Haskell. Any feedback on my first steps, would be appreciated!

The problem is taken from

Given Credit Card number: 49927398716 

• Reverse the digits: 61789372994 
• Sum the odd digits: 6 + 7 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 42 = s1 
• The even digits: 1, 8, 3, 2, 9 
•  Two times each even digit: 2, 16, 6, 4, 18 
•  Sum the digits of each multiplication: 2, 7, 6, 4, 9 
•  Sum the last: 2 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 9 = 28 = s2
• s1 + s2 = 70 
• which, as it ends in zero, means that 49927398716 passes the Luhn test

import Data.Char

data Validity = Valid | Invalid deriving Eq
type CardNumber = String

luhnCheck :: CardNumber -> Validity
luhnCheck s = 
    let r = revDigits s
        (os,es) = oddsAndEvens r
        s1 = sum os
        s2 = sum $ map sumDigits $ map (*2) es 
    in if (s1 + s2) `mod` 10 == 0 then Valid
       else Invalid

revDigits :: CardNumber -> [Int]
revDigits s = map digitToInt (reverse s)    

oddsAndEvens :: [Int] -> ([Int],[Int])
oddsAndEvens is = 
    let digitsWithIdx = zip is (cycle [1,2])
        odds = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 1) digitsWithIdx
        evens = map fst $ filter (\d -> (snd d) == 2) digitsWithIdx
    in (odds,evens)     

sumDigits:: Int -> Int
sumDigits i = sum $ map digitToInt $ show i

test :: Bool
test = let testData = ["49927398716", "49927398717", "1234567812345678","1234567812345670"]
    in  (map luhnCheck testData) == [Valid,Invalid,Invalid,Valid]