Theme of my course work in institute is simulation of bus route. Could you determine any faults and defects in this code? I will be very grateful if you give me some advices about one global variable, counters or etc. It's a console version. I have one month to do GUI with help of Qt or Visual C++. I don't use either them until yesterday. I am trying to use Qt now. I think it must be ordinary graph with points as bus stops and lines as roads. What do you select in my shoes? I work in VS 2012 usually. I have pretty much time if I need to remake all code below. Thank you in advance.
#pragma once
#include "Passenger.h"
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
class Autobus{
string brand_;
int capacity_;
int max_speed_;
int bus_numberplate_;
bool is_door_open_;
int x_bus_;
int y_bus_;
int current_speed_;
static int counter_bus_;
static string const mas_brand_buses [];
static int const mas_cap_buses [];
static int const mas_max_speed_buses [];
Autobus(string brand, int const capacity, int max_speed)
:brand_(brand), capacity_(capacity), max_speed_(max_speed), is_door_open_(false), bus_numberplate_(counter_bus_ + 1), x_bus_(0), y_bus_(0), current_speed_(max_speed){
Autobus(Autobus const &bus)
:brand_(bus.brand_), capacity_(bus.capacity_), max_speed_(bus.max_speed_), is_door_open_(false), bus_numberplate_(bus.bus_numberplate_), x_bus_(0), y_bus_(0), current_speed_(bus.current_speed_), salon({
vector <Passenger> salon;
size_t get_capacity() const;
string get_brand() const;
int get_max_speed() const;
int get_bus_numberplate() const;
bool get_door() const;
int const get_x_bus() const;
int const get_y_bus() const;
int get_current_speed() const;
int set_x_bus(int temp_x);
int set_y_bus(int temp_y);
void open_door();
void shut_door();
int set_current_speed(int new_speed);
static int get_count_bus();
static void generate_buses(deque <Autobus> &buses);
friend ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, Autobus & bus);
#include "Autobus.h"
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
extern ofstream otchet;
string const Autobus::mas_brand_buses [] = {"Paz", "Gazel", "Liaz"};
int const Autobus::mas_cap_buses [] = { 40, 20, 100 };
int const Autobus::mas_max_speed_buses [] = { 90, 110, 70};
int Autobus::counter_bus_ = 0;
int Autobus::get_count_bus(){
return counter_bus_;
size_t Autobus::get_capacity() const{
return capacity_;
string Autobus::get_brand() const{
return brand_;
int Autobus::get_max_speed() const{
return max_speed_;
int Autobus::get_bus_numberplate() const{
return bus_numberplate_;
bool Autobus::get_door() const{
return is_door_open_;
int const Autobus::get_x_bus() const{
return x_bus_;
int const Autobus::get_y_bus() const{
return y_bus_;
int Autobus::get_current_speed() const{
return current_speed_;
int Autobus::set_x_bus(int temp_x){
x_bus_ = temp_x;
return x_bus_;
int Autobus::set_y_bus(int temp_y){
y_bus_ = temp_y;
return y_bus_;
void Autobus::open_door(){
is_door_open_ = true;
void Autobus::shut_door(){
is_door_open_ = false;
int Autobus::set_current_speed(int new_speed){
current_speed_ = new_speed;
return current_speed_;
ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, Autobus & bus){
otchet << "Bus #" << bus.get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< bus.get_brand() << " with capacity " << bus.get_capacity() << endl;
/*otchet << "Coordinate x: " << bus.get_x_bus() << endl;
otchet << "Coordinate y: " << bus.get_y_bus() << endl;*/
otchet << "Number of passengers: " << << endl;
otchet << "Full names of passengers:\n";
cout << "Bus #" << bus.get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< bus.get_brand() << " with capacity " << bus.get_capacity() << endl;
/*cout << "Coordinate x: " << bus.get_x_bus() << endl;
cout << "Coordinate y: " << bus.get_y_bus() << endl;*/
cout << "Number of passengers: " << << endl;
cout << "Full names of passengers:\n";
for(size_t i = 0; i <; ++i){
otchet <<[i] << endl;
cout <<[i] << endl;
return os;
void Autobus::generate_buses(deque <Autobus> &buses){
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
int temp_rand = 0;
temp_rand = rand() % 5 + 1;
for(int j = 0; j < temp_rand; ++j){
buses.push_back( Autobus(mas_brand_buses[i], mas_cap_buses[i], mas_max_speed_buses[i]) );
for(size_t i = 0; i < buses.size(); ++i){
cout << buses[i];
#pragma once
#include "Passenger.h"
#include "Autobus.h"
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
class BusStop{
string name_bus_stop_;
int x_bus_stop_;
int y_bus_stop_;
int bus_stop_numberplate_;
static int counter_bus_stop_;
static string mas_names_bus_stops [];
deque <Passenger> platform;
BusStop(string name_bus_stop, int x_bus_stop, int y_bus_stop)
:name_bus_stop_(name_bus_stop), x_bus_stop_(x_bus_stop), y_bus_stop_(y_bus_stop), bus_stop_numberplate_(counter_bus_stop_ + 1){
BusStop(BusStop const &bus_stop)
:name_bus_stop_(bus_stop.name_bus_stop_), x_bus_stop_(bus_stop.x_bus_stop_), y_bus_stop_(bus_stop.y_bus_stop_), bus_stop_numberplate_(bus_stop.bus_stop_numberplate_){
parking = bus_stop.parking;
platform = bus_stop.platform;
deque <Autobus> parking;
int get_x_bus_stop() const;
int get_y_bus_stop() const;
string get_name_bus_stop() const;
int get_bus_stop_numberplate() const;
Passenger get_first_passenger() const;
int get_count_passengers_on_platform() const;
bool is_platform_empty() const;
void enter_passenger_on_platform(Passenger temp_pas);
void go_out_first_passenger();
void evacuation();
static void generate_bus_stops(vector <BusStop> &bus_stops);
static int get_count_bus_stop();
friend ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, BusStop & bus_stop);
BusStop & operator = (BusStop const & temp_bus_stop);
#include "BusStop.h"
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
extern ofstream otchet;
string BusStop::mas_names_bus_stops [] = {"Kindergarten", "School", "University", "Factory", \
"Market", "Bank", "Restaurant", "Pharmacy", "Cinema", "Administration"};
int BusStop::counter_bus_stop_ = 0;
int BusStop::get_count_bus_stop(){
return counter_bus_stop_;
string BusStop::get_name_bus_stop() const{
return name_bus_stop_;
int BusStop::get_bus_stop_numberplate() const{
return bus_stop_numberplate_;
int BusStop::get_x_bus_stop() const{
return x_bus_stop_;
int BusStop::get_y_bus_stop() const{
return y_bus_stop_;
bool BusStop::is_platform_empty() const{
return platform.empty();
Passenger BusStop::get_first_passenger() const{
return platform.front();
int BusStop::get_count_passengers_on_platform() const{
return platform.size();
ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, BusStop & bus_stop){
otchet << "Bus stop #" << bus_stop.bus_stop_numberplate_ << endl;
otchet << "Name: " << bus_stop.get_name_bus_stop() << endl;
otchet << "Coordinate x: " << bus_stop.get_x_bus_stop() << endl;
otchet << "Coordinate y: " << bus_stop.get_y_bus_stop() << endl;
otchet << "\nNumber people on platform: " << bus_stop.platform.size() << endl;
otchet << "Full names of people:\n";
cout << "Bus stop #" << bus_stop.bus_stop_numberplate_ << endl;
cout << "Name: " << bus_stop.get_name_bus_stop() << endl;
cout << "Coordinate x: " << bus_stop.get_x_bus_stop() << endl;
cout << "Coordinate y: " << bus_stop.get_y_bus_stop() << endl;
cout << "\nNumber people on platform: " << bus_stop.platform.size() << endl;
cout << "Full names of people:\n";
size_t i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < bus_stop.platform.size(); ++i){
otchet << bus_stop.platform[i] << endl;
cout << bus_stop.platform[i] << endl;
otchet << "Number buses on parking: " << bus_stop.parking.size() << endl;
cout << "Number buses on parking: " << bus_stop.parking.size() << endl;
if( !bus_stop.parking.empty() ){
otchet << "Full information about buses:\n";
cout << "Full information about buses:\n";
for(i = 0; i < bus_stop.parking.size(); ++i){
otchet << "Bus #" << bus_stop.parking[i].get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< bus_stop.parking[i].get_brand() << " with capacity " << bus_stop.parking[i].get_capacity() \
<< " and " << bus_stop.parking[i].salon.size() << " passengers.\n";
cout << "Bus #" << bus_stop.parking[i].get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< bus_stop.parking[i].get_brand() << " with capacity " << bus_stop.parking[i].get_capacity() \
<< " and " << bus_stop.parking[i].salon.size() << " passengers.\n";
otchet << "Full names of passengers:\n";
cout << "Full names of passengers:\n";
for(size_t j = 0; j < bus_stop.parking[i].salon.size(); ++j){
otchet << bus_stop.parking[i].salon[j] << endl;
cout << bus_stop.parking[i].salon[j] << endl;
return os;
BusStop & BusStop::operator = (BusStop const & temp_bus_stop){
if ( this != &temp_bus_stop){
name_bus_stop_ = temp_bus_stop.name_bus_stop_;
x_bus_stop_ = temp_bus_stop.x_bus_stop_ ;
y_bus_stop_ = temp_bus_stop.y_bus_stop_;
bus_stop_numberplate_ = temp_bus_stop.bus_stop_numberplate_;
parking = temp_bus_stop.parking;
platform = temp_bus_stop.platform;
return *this;
void BusStop::generate_bus_stops(vector <BusStop> &bus_stops){
int n = 10;
string temp_str = " ";
int temp_x = 0;
int temp_y = 0;
int temp_n = rand() % 7 + 3;
for(int i = 0; i < temp_n; ++i){
temp_x += 100 * ( rand() % 5 + 5);
temp_y += 100 * ( rand() % 5 + 5);
int temp_index = rand() % n--;
bus_stops.push_back( BusStop(mas_names_bus_stops[temp_index], temp_x, temp_y) );
temp_str = mas_names_bus_stops[n];
mas_names_bus_stops[n] = mas_names_bus_stops[temp_index];
mas_names_bus_stops[temp_index] = temp_str;
otchet << "\nNumber of bus stops: " << bus_stops.size() << endl << endl;
cout << "\nNumber of bus stops: " << bus_stops.size() << endl << endl;
for(size_t i = 0; i < bus_stops.size(); ++i){
cout << bus_stops[i];
otchet << endl;
cout << endl;
void BusStop::enter_passenger_on_platform(Passenger temp_pas){
void BusStop::go_out_first_passenger(){
void BusStop::evacuation(){
#pragma once
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
class Passenger{
bool is_girl_;
string name_;
string surname_;
static int counter_pas_;
static const string female_names [];
static const string male_names [];
static const string female_surnames [];
static const string male_surnames [];
Passenger(bool is_girl, string name, string surname)
:is_girl_(is_girl), name_(name), surname_(surname){
Passenger(Passenger const &pas)
:is_girl_(pas.is_girl_), name_(pas.name_), surname_(pas.surname_){
string get_name() const;
string get_surname() const;
bool get_gender() const;
static int const get_count_pas();
static void generate_passenger(bool &temp_is_girl, string &temp_name, string &temp_surname);
friend ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, Passenger & temp_pas);
#include "Passenger.h"
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
using namespace std;
const string Passenger::female_names [] = {"Anya", "Alla", "Alsu", "Bella", "Camilla", "Carolina", "Clavdia", "Dasha", "Diana", "Dina", "Ella", "Elena", "Faina", "Galya", \
"Ira", "Julya", "Katya", "Kira", "Klara", "Ksenia", "Larisa", "Lera", "Liza", "Lubov", "Ludmila", "Marfa", "Marina", "Masha", "Nadya", "Nastya", "Nelli", "Nonna", \
"Olya", "Polina", "Raisa", "Regina", "Rita", "Snezhana", "Sofia", "Sonya", "Tamara", "Tanya", "Vera", "Yana", "Valya", "Varvara", "Veronika", "Vika", "Zhanna", "Zoya"};
const string Passenger::male_names [] = {"Adolf", "Alexei", "Albert", "Andrej", "Anton", "Arkadij", "Arsenij", "Artyom", "Artur", "Avgust", "Bogdan", "Borya", "Danila", "Denis", \
"Dima", "Efim", "Egor", "Gena", "Gleb", "Igor", "Ilya", "Kirill", "Kolya", "Kostya", "Kuzma", "Leonid", "Lev", "Matvej", "Maxim", "Misha", "Nikita", "Oleg", "Pavel", "Petr", \
"Rodion", "Roman", "Ruslan", "Sasha", "Semen", "Seva", "Slava", "Timoha", "Timur", "Tolya", "Vadim", "Valera", "Vasya", "Vitya", "Yura", "Zhenya"};
const string Passenger::male_surnames [] = {"Alexandrov", "Alexeev", "Andreev", "Barsukov", "Bezrukov", "Bogdanov", "Chebotarev", "Dmitriev", "Dobrynin", "Egorov", "Elizarov", \
"Ermolov", "Gladkov", "Glushkov", "Fedorov", "Fedosov", "Gribov", "Grigoriev", "Ivanov", "Kalachev", "Korolkov", "Kukushkin", "Kuznetsov", "Lebedev", "Mihailov", "Morgunov", \
"Moskvin", "Muratov", "Nikitin", "Nikolaev", "Pavlov", "Petrov", "Polikarpov", "Popov", "Rakov", "Ryabinin", "Semenov", "Smirnov", "Snegirev", "Sokolov", "Soloviev", "Somov", \
"Stepanov", "Sudakov", "Uvarov", "Vasiliev", "Volkov", "Yakovlev", "Zlobin", "Zvagintsev"};
const string Passenger::female_surnames [] = {"Agapova", "Alexandrova", "Anisimova", "Antonova", "Babushkina", "Blinova", "Blohina", "Bolshakova", "Chernyaeva", "Davydova", "Denisova", \
"Dorohova", "Efimova", "Ermilova", "Filippova", "Fomina", "Gorlova", "Grekova", "Gromova", "Gurova", "Gusheva", "Kalinina", "Kalugina", "Kazakova", "Kazantseva", "Kochergina", \
"Kolesnikova", "Konovalova", "Korneeva", "Korshunova", "Lykova", "Markelova", "Markova", "Melnikova", "Mironova", "Nikiforova", "Paramonova", "Petuhova", "Postnikova", "Sherbakova", \
"Shestakova", "Shiryaeva", "Shvetsova", "Suhanova", "Surkova", "Sveshnikova", "Timofeeva", "Usova", "Vdovina", "Veselova"};
int Passenger::counter_pas_ = 0;
int const Passenger::get_count_pas(){
return counter_pas_;
string Passenger::get_name() const{
return name_;
string Passenger::get_surname() const{
return surname_;
bool Passenger::get_gender() const{
return is_girl_;
void Passenger::generate_passenger(bool &temp_is_girl, string &temp_name, string &temp_surname){
temp_is_girl = bool(rand() % 2);
int i_name = rand() % 50;
int j_surname = rand() % 50;
if (temp_is_girl){
temp_name = female_names[i_name];
temp_surname = female_surnames[j_surname];
temp_name = male_names[i_name];
temp_surname = male_surnames[j_surname];
ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, Passenger & temp_pas){
os << temp_pas.get_name() << ' ' << temp_pas.get_surname();
return os;
#pragma once
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
#include "Autobus.h"
#include "BusStop.h"
using namespace std;
class Autobus;
class BusStop;
enum { PEAK_HOUR = 0, CALM = 1, TRAFFIC = 2, BREAKING = 3, FIRE = 4 };
int generate_random_event(vector <BusStop> & bus_stops, int &temp_target_bus_stop);
void arrival_of_passengers(vector <BusStop> & bus_stops, int situation, int extra_passenger_flow = 10); // #0 or #1 random event
void traffic(Autobus &temp_bus);//#2 random event
void breaking_bus(deque <Autobus> &temp_buses, BusStop &temp_bus_stop);//#3 random event
void fire_on_bus_stop(vector <BusStop> &temp_bus_stops, int temp_index);//#4 random event
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
#include "RandomEvents.h"
using namespace std;
extern ofstream otchet;
int generate_random_event(vector <BusStop> & bus_stops, int &temp_target_bus_stop){
static int counter_fire = 0;
int divider = 5;
if( counter_fire ){
divider = 4;
int temp_event = rand() % divider;
if(temp_event == FIRE){
if(temp_event != 0 && temp_event != 1){
temp_target_bus_stop = rand() % bus_stops.size();
cout << "Target bus stop:\n" << bus_stops[temp_target_bus_stop] << endl;
return temp_event;
void arrival_of_passengers(vector <BusStop> & bus_stops, int situation, int extra_passenger_flow){
case PEAK_HOUR:{
extra_passenger_flow = 15;
case CALM:{
extra_passenger_flow = 5;
for(size_t k = 0; k < bus_stops.size() - 1; ++k){
size_t num_pas_on_stop = rand() % 10 + extra_passenger_flow;//10 is default for extra_passenger_flow
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pas_on_stop; ++i){
bool temp_is_girl = false;
string temp_name = " ";
string temp_surname = " ";
Passenger::generate_passenger(temp_is_girl, temp_name , temp_surname);
bus_stops[k].enter_passenger_on_platform( Passenger(temp_is_girl, temp_name , temp_surname) );
cout << num_pas_on_stop << " passengers arrived in bus stop #" \
<< bus_stops[k].get_bus_stop_numberplate() << " with name " << bus_stops[k].get_name_bus_stop() << ".\n";
otchet << num_pas_on_stop << " passengers arrived in bus stop #" \
<< bus_stops[k].get_bus_stop_numberplate() << " with name " << bus_stops[k].get_name_bus_stop() << ".\n";
cout << bus_stops[k];
cout << "Last station:\n" << bus_stops [bus_stops.size() - 1];
void traffic(Autobus &temp_bus){
temp_bus.set_current_speed( temp_bus.get_max_speed() / 2 );
void breaking_bus(deque <Autobus> &temp_buses, BusStop &temp_bus_stop){
while( !temp_buses[0].salon.empty() ){
Passenger temp_pas = temp_buses[0].salon.back();
void fire_on_bus_stop(vector <BusStop> &temp_bus_stops, int temp_index){
vector <BusStop>::iterator it;
temp_bus_stops.erase( temp_bus_stops.begin() + temp_index );
cout << "Bus stop is closed for repair.\n";
otchet << "Bus stop is closed for repair.\n";
if( temp_index == temp_bus_stops.size() ){
cout << "Last bus stop now:\n" << temp_bus_stops[temp_bus_stops.size() - 1] << endl;
temp_bus_stops[temp_bus_stops.size() - 1].evacuation();
cout << "All people left new last station.\n" << temp_bus_stops[temp_bus_stops.size() - 1] << endl;
#pragma once
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
#include "BusStop.h"
using namespace std;
class Autobus;
void bus_on_route(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, int temp_i, int temp_bus_stop_size);
void bus_on_station(deque <Autobus> &buses, BusStop &temp_bus_stop, bool &temp_last_station);
void arrival_of_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, bool last_station);
void leaving_of_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus);
int exit_of_passengers_from_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, bool last_station);
int entrance_of_passengers_on_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus);
double calculate_distance(int dx1, int dx2, int dy1, int dy2, int temp_i, int temp_bus_stop_size);
double calculate_time(double temp_dist, int temp_speed);
int convert_speed(int temp_speed);
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
#include "SimulationFunctions.h"
class Autobus;
class BusStop;
using namespace std;
extern ofstream otchet;
void bus_on_route(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, int temp_i, int temp_bus_stop_size){
double temp_dist = calculate_distance(temp_bus_stop.get_x_bus_stop(), temp_bus.get_x_bus(), \
temp_bus_stop.get_y_bus_stop(), temp_bus.get_y_bus(), temp_i, temp_bus_stop_size );
cout << "Speed (km/h): " << temp_bus.get_current_speed() << endl;
otchet << "Speed (km/h): " << temp_bus.get_current_speed() << endl;
double temp_time = calculate_time( temp_dist, convert_speed( temp_bus.get_current_speed() ) );
cout << "Bus on the way to next station...\n\n";
otchet << "Bus on the way to next station...\n\n";
void bus_on_station(deque <Autobus> &buses, BusStop &temp_bus_stop, bool &temp_last_station){
arrival_of_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0], temp_last_station);
if( temp_last_station ){
exit_of_passengers_from_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0], temp_last_station);
leaving_of_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0]);
cout << "\nBus #" << buses[0].get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< buses[0].get_brand() << " with capacity " << buses[0].get_capacity() << " finished his route!\n";
otchet << "\nBus #" << buses[0].get_bus_numberplate() << " brand " \
<< buses[0].get_brand() << " with capacity " << buses[0].get_capacity() << " finished his route!\n";
exit_of_passengers_from_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0], false);
entrance_of_passengers_on_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0]);
leaving_of_bus(temp_bus_stop, buses[0]);
int exit_of_passengers_from_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, bool last_station){
int pas_out = 0;
if( last_station ){
cout << "\nLast station!\n";
otchet << "\nLast station!\n";
pas_out = temp_bus_stop.parking[0].salon.size();
if( !temp_bus_stop.parking[0].salon.empty() ){
pas_out = rand() % temp_bus_stop.parking[0].salon.size();
for(int i = 0; i < pas_out; ++i){
cout << "Number of outgoing passengers from autobus: " << pas_out << endl;
otchet << "Number of outgoing passengers from autobus: " << pas_out << endl;
if( bool(pas_out) ){
cout << "Some passengers are leaving bus now...\n";
otchet << "Some passengers are leaving bus now...\n";
temp_bus = temp_bus_stop.parking[0];
//Sleep(pas_out * 2000);
cout << endl;
otchet << endl;
return pas_out;
int entrance_of_passengers_on_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus){
int pas_in = 0;
if( !temp_bus_stop.is_platform_empty() ){
pas_in = rand() % temp_bus_stop.get_count_passengers_on_platform() + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < pas_in; ++i){
if( temp_bus_stop.parking[0].salon.size() < temp_bus_stop.parking[0].get_capacity() ){
temp_bus_stop.parking[0].salon.push_back( temp_bus_stop.get_first_passenger() );
pas_in = i;
cout << "\nBus is full now!\n";
otchet << "\nBus is full now!\n";
cout << "\nNumber of inbox passengers in autobus on bus stop #" << temp_bus_stop.get_bus_stop_numberplate() \
<< " with name " << temp_bus_stop.get_name_bus_stop() << ": " << pas_in << endl;
otchet << "\nNumber of inbox passengers in autobus on bus stop #" << temp_bus_stop.get_bus_stop_numberplate() \
<< " with name " << temp_bus_stop.get_name_bus_stop() << ": " << pas_in << endl;
if( bool(pas_in) ){
cout << "Some passengers are entering in bus now...\n";
otchet << "Some passengers are entering in bus now...\n";
temp_bus = temp_bus_stop.parking[0];
//Sleep(pas_in * 2000);
cout << endl;
otchet << endl;
return pas_in;
void arrival_of_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus, bool last_station){
cout << "\n\nLast station!\n";
otchet << "\n\nLast station!\n";
temp_bus_stop.parking.push_back( temp_bus );
temp_bus_stop.parking[0].set_x_bus( temp_bus_stop.get_x_bus_stop() );
temp_bus_stop.parking[0].set_y_bus( temp_bus_stop.get_y_bus_stop() );
temp_bus = temp_bus_stop.parking[0];
cout << temp_bus_stop;
void leaving_of_bus(BusStop & temp_bus_stop, Autobus & temp_bus){
cout << temp_bus_stop;
temp_bus = temp_bus_stop.parking[0];
double calculate_distance(int dx1, int dx2, int dy1, int dy2, int temp_i, int temp_bus_stop_size){
double temp_dist = sqrt( pow( (dx2 - dx1), 2) + pow( (dy2 - dy1), 2) );
temp_dist = ceil(temp_dist);
cout << "\nDistance to next station (m): " << temp_dist << endl;
otchet << "\nDistance to next station (m): " << temp_dist << endl;
return temp_dist;
double calculate_time(double temp_dist, int temp_speed){
double temp_time = temp_dist / temp_speed;
temp_time = ceil(temp_time);
cout << "Time to next station (s): " << temp_time << endl;
otchet << "Time to next station (s): " << temp_time << endl;
return temp_time;
int convert_speed(int temp_speed){
temp_speed /= 3.6;
return temp_speed;
#include "NecessaryHeaders.h"
#include "SimulationFunctions.h"
#include "RandomEvents.h"
#include "Autobus.h"
#include "BusStop.h"
using namespace std;
ofstream otchet;
int main(){
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); "otchet.doc" ) ;
if ( !otchet ){
cout << "Error of opening file!\n" ;
return -1;
deque <Autobus> buses;
vector <BusStop> bus_stops;
while( !buses.empty() ){
int situation = 0;
int target_bus_stop = 0;
situation = generate_random_event(bus_stops, target_bus_stop);
arrival_of_passengers(bus_stops, situation);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bus_stops.size(); ++i ){
bool last_station = ( i == (bus_stops.size() - 1) );
if(situation == TRAFFIC && i == target_bus_stop){
if(situation == FIRE && i == target_bus_stop){
if( last_station ){
fire_on_bus_stop(bus_stops, i);
fire_on_bus_stop(bus_stops, i);
bus_on_route( bus_stops[i], buses[0], i, bus_stops.size() );
//Sleep( temp_time * 1000 );
if(situation == BREAKING && i == target_bus_stop){
breaking_bus(buses, bus_stops[i]);
bus_on_station(buses, bus_stops[i], last_station);
if( last_station ){
return 0;
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <deque>