I had two thoughts. One was ... You really only need an angle and a distance. The distance is the amount you expand and the angle can be derived from the x/y coordinates.
first you calculate the angle:
var angle = Math.atan2(hoveredY - circleY, hoveredX - circleX);
Then you calculate the distance they move:
var topMove = ((expand /2 ) * Math.sin(angle)); // sin for Y
var leftMove = ((expand /2 ) * Math.cos(angle)); // cos for X
then use jQuery's built in animate +=
$this.animate( {
"left": "-=" + leftMove + "px",
"top": "-=" + topMove + "px"
}, 75 );
Edit:- A couple of improvements in the code not supplied in the question:
In function inCircle()
change the return statement to return (mouseDistance <= radius);
Using the ternary operator to return a boolean? ... I'm sure it used to return some other values right?
In $( ".circle" ).click(
if(!$( this ).data( "clicked" ) && inCircle( $( this ), event.pageX, event.pageY ) ) {
$( this ).data( "clicked", true );
setLocations( this, 200, event );
} else {
$( this ).data( "clicked", false );
Makes it cleaner but not a real improvement otherwise, more of a preference.
In function setLocations()
your circle parameter conflicts with the local circle variable. I would change the parameter to circleElement