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RungeKutta method in C, pointers and arrays, everything handled correctly?

Now the program works. But, but is it correct? Sometimes it works in C anyway... :) Could I improve it somehow  (not numerically, just C-wise)? I need to allocate the array as I do right? Since I am returning it and not just using it inside the function.

RungeKutta method in C, pointers and arrays, everything handled correctly?

Now the program works. But is it correct? Sometimes it works in C anyway... :) Could I improve it somehow(not numerically, just C-wise)? I need to allocate the array as I do right? Since I am returning it and not just using it inside the function.

RungeKutta method in C, pointers and arrays

Now the program works, but is it correct? Sometimes it works in C anyway. Could I improve it somehow  (not numerically, just C-wise)? I need to allocate the array as I do right? Since I am returning it and not just using it inside the function.

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RungeKutta method in C, pointers and arrays, everything handled correctly?

Now the program works. But is it correct? Sometimes it works in C anyway... :) Could I improve it somehow(not numerically, just C-wise)? I need to allocate the array as I do right? Since I am returning it and not just using it inside the function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Approximates a solution to a differential equation on the form: 
   y'(t) + ay(t) = x(t)
   y(0) = b 
double* runge_kutta_2nd_order(double stepSize, double a, double b, double (*x) (double), double upto)
    int resultSize = ((int) (upto / stepSize)) + 2;
    double yt = b;
    double time;
    double k1,k2,ystar1,ystar2;
    int index = 1;

    //double *results = (double*) malloc(resultSize * (sizeof(double)));
    double *results = malloc(resultSize * sizeof(*results));
    if(results == NULL)
        printf("\nCould not allocate memory. Exiting program.");

    results[0] = b;

    for(time = 0; time < upto; time += stepSize) //<=
        k1 = x(time) - a * yt;
        ystar1 = yt + stepSize * k1;
        k2 = x(time + stepSize) - a * ystar1;
        ystar2 = yt + (k1 + k2) / 2 * stepSize;
        yt = ystar2;
        results[index] = ystar2;
    return results;

void free_results(double **r)
    *r = NULL;

double insignal(double t)
    return exp(t/2)*(sin(5*t) - 10*cos(5*t));

int main(void)
    int i;
    double *res = runge_kutta_2nd_order(0.01,-1,0,&insignal,10);

    printf("\nRunge Kutta 2nd order approximation of the differential equation:");
    printf("\ny'(t) - y(t) = e^(t/2) * (sin(5t) - 10cos(5t))");
    printf("\ny(0) = 0");
    printf("\n0 <= t <= 10");

    for(i=0; i<1001; i+=100){
        printf("\ni = %lf => y = ", 0.01*i);
        printf("%lf", res[i]);


    return 0;