Is my layout of the if/else
statement reasonable?
It feels clumsy to me to spread the termination condition over the first three lines of the function. Can I squeeze it into one or two lines? Would it help if I used the ternary operator? How can I make the JavaScript more idiomatic (while still using recursion)? Any other improvements?
var containsA = function(sentence) {
if (sentence.length == 0) {
return false;
else {
return sentence[0] === 'A' || containsA(sentence.substr(1));
var containsA = function(sentence) {
if (sentence.length == 0) {
return false;
else {
return sentence[0] === 'A' || containsA(sentence.substr(1));
// Unit tests
var assert = function(code) {
if (eval(code)) {
document.write(code + " test passed.\n"<br>");
else {
document.write(code + " test FAILED.\n"<br>");
I have simplified details that are not relevant to my question. This simpler version attempts to reimplement String.prototype.contains()
. If I convert my string to an array I could use Array.prototype.find()
but my hunch is that would be less readable.