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Find union and intersection of linkedlistlinked list

Find the union and intersection of linked list, given that elements don't repeat in a single linked list.

Find the union and intersection of linkedlist, given that elements dont repeat in a single linkedlist. This question is attributed to GeeksForGeeks. Looking for code-review, optimizations and best practices.

Find union and intersection of linkedlist

Find the union and intersection of linkedlist, given that elements dont repeat in a single linkedlist. This question is attributed to GeeksForGeeks. Looking for code-review, optimizations and best practices.

Find union and intersection of linked list

Find the union and intersection of linked list, given that elements don't repeat in a single linked list.

This question is attributed to GeeksForGeeks. Looking for code-review, optimizations and best practices.

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Find union and intersection of linkedlist

Find the union and intersection of linkedlist, given that elements dont repeat in a single linkedlist. This question is attributed to GeeksForGeeks. Looking for code-review, optimizations and best practices.

public class IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> {

    private Node<T> first;
    private Node<T> last;
    private int size;

    public IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList() {}
    public IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList(List<T> items ) {
        for (T item : items) {
            add (item);
    public void add(T item) { 
        Node<T> node = new Node<T>(item);
        if (first == null) {
            first = last = node;
        } else {
   = node;
            last =;
    private static class Node<T> {
        private T item;
        private Node<T> next;
        Node (T item) {
            this.item = item;
    public IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> intersection(IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> list) {
        final Set<T> items = new HashSet<>();
        Node<T> smallerListNode;
        Node<T> largerListNode;
        if (list.size < size) {
            smallerListNode = list.first;
            largerListNode = first;
        } else {
            smallerListNode = first;
            largerListNode = list.first;
        while (smallerListNode != null) {
            smallerListNode =;
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> intersectionlist = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>();
        while (largerListNode != null && items.size() > 0) { 
            if (items.contains(largerListNode.item)) {
            largerListNode =;
        return intersectionlist;
    public IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> union(IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> list) {
        final Set<T> items = new HashSet<>();
        Node<T> smallerListNode;
        Node<T> largerListNode;
        if (list.size < size) {
            smallerListNode = list.first;
            largerListNode = first;
        } else {
            smallerListNode = first;
            largerListNode = list.first;
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> intersectionlist = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>();
        while (smallerListNode != null) {
            smallerListNode =;
        while (largerListNode != null) { 
            if (!items.contains(largerListNode.item)) {
            largerListNode =;
        return intersectionlist;
    // size of new linkedlist is unknown to us, in such a case simply return the list rather than an array.
    public List<T> toList() {
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        if (first == null) return list;
        for (Node<T> x = first; x != null; x = {
        return list;
    public int hashCode() {
        int hashCode = 1;
        for (Node x = first; x != null; x =
            hashCode = 31*hashCode + (x == null ? 0 : x.hashCode());
        return hashCode;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<T> other = (IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList) obj;
        Node<T> currentListNode = first; 
        Node<T> otherListNode =  other.first;
        while (currentListNode != null && otherListNode != null) {
            if (currentListNode.item != otherListNode.item) return false;
            currentListNode =;
            otherListNode =;
        return currentListNode == null && otherListNode == null;

public class IntersectionAndUnionLLTest {

    public void intersection() {
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll1 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll2 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> llExpected1 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5));
        assertEquals(llExpected1, ll1.intersection(ll2));
    public void union() {
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll1 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll2 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> llExpected2 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
        assertEquals(llExpected2, ll1.union(ll2));
    public void intersectionNull() {
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll1 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll3 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>();
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> llExpected3 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>();
        assertEquals(llExpected3, ll1.intersection(ll3));
    public void unionNull() {
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll1 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> ll4 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>();
        IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<Integer> llExpected4 = new IntersectionAndUnionLinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
        assertEquals(llExpected4, ll1.union(ll4));