Okay, I think I got it. Yay! This one has haunted me for awhile. The new gravity function is completely fluid, way more concise, and accurate.
Still open to improvement suggestions, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
gravity = (coords, height, width) ->
center =
x: testEl().width / 2
y: testEl().height / 2
el_center =
x: coords.width / 2
y: coords.height / 2
box_center =
x: width / 2
y: height / 2
points = []
for x in [coords.left..(coords.right + width)] by 20
points.push([x - width, coords.top - height])
points.push([x - width, coords.bottom])
for y in [coords.top..(coords.bottom + height)] by 20
points.push([coords.left - width, y - height])
points.push([coords.right, y - height])
sort = (a, b) ->
for ary in [[a, obja = {}], [b, objb = {}]]
x = ary[0][0]
y = ary[0][1]
ary[1]['diffx'] = if (dax = (x + box_center.x)) > center.x then dax - center.x else center.x - dax
ary[1]['diffy'] = if (day = (y + box_center.y)) > center.y then day - center.y else center.y - day
ary[1]['diff'] = ary[1]['diffx'] + ary[1]['diffy']
if x < 0 || x + width > testEl().width then ary[1]['diff'] =+ 10000
if y < 0 || y + height > testEl().height then ary[1]['diff'] =+ 10000
obja.diff - objb.diff
x = points[0][0]
y = points[0][1]
points = null
x: y
y: x