Below is a script to find cheating students in a quiz in a daily moodle activity log exported in .xls. It works fine and is written in a procedural way.
Essentially the script isolates the activity log entry in a worksheet for students listed in another worksheet, identifies when they are taking a quiz (looking ahead in the activity log) and if they are taking an unusually long time or doing something different while taking a quiz (they will complete). These different scenarios are then highlighted in a different row colour in an xl file listing all activity for each student in the list. The script also writes to a .txt file, logging a summary for each student and all quizzes completed and the students listed who did not take any quizzes.
The questions are simple:
- How can I make it run faster?
- How can I write it in a OOP paradigm, and will it run faster?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from# __future__The importmaster print_function
importdata sys
importset os
importis re
fromcontained xlrdin importexcel open_workbook
importfile xlwt
from('moodle.xls'). xlwtThe importtoponomy easyxf
fromfor operatorthe importactivity itemgetter,is attrgetter
fromthe timeone importin gmtime,a strftime2.5+ moodle instance. The colums in excel follow the format
from# datetime importcolumns datetime= module name/date,time/(Not timedeltaused):e.g. IP address/name student/activity type (full)/activity name
from# xlutils.copy importrows copy= chronological order in time period
if# sysThe class (moodlecheat) returns: a log containing a summary of cheats per students, a set of individual xl files with a log per student with quiz question highlighted.version
# >Each '3'row is colour coded to facilitate detection: yellow/any valid quiz question answered | light yellow/any question which is answered in more than 2 minutes | grey/any non quiz activity during a quiz | Red/any activity taking longer than 5 minutes during a quiz
# The data listed in unicodea =log str(log.tx) which details the running times per module and the activity for all students highlighting any suspected cheating
# Worksheet 1 = xl report for moodle activity log for the time period e.g. a day
# Worksheet 2 = Name of users/students whose quiz data is to be mined out
class MoodleCheat(object):
def __init__(self, log_filepath, source_filepath):
self.source_filepath = source_filepath
self.log_filepath = log_filepath
self.students_entries = []
self.xl_out = []
# The typical running time for self.valid_quizzesthe =class []
on a 8GB Mac with dual processor OSX self10.done_quizzes = []
self9.list_of_quizzes = []
3 is 31 seconds to find self.inlisted_studentsthe =quiz []
activity of 120 students for 3 quizzes amongst self.listed_students12k =students []records
self.stylo = {
'normal': easyxf('pattern: pattern no_fill;'
+ 'font: name Arial,'
from +mmap 'heightimport 260mmap, italic True'
'answer':from easyxf('pattern:xlrd patternimport solid_fillopen_workbook,'
+ 'fore_colour yellow;'
+ 'font: name ArialXL_CELL_TEXT,'
+ 'height 260'
'problem': easyxf('pattern: pattern solid_fillcellnameabs,'
+ 'fore_colour gray50;'
+ 'font: name Arial,'colname
+ 'heightimport 260'xlwt
from xlwt import )Workbook,
'too long': easyxf('pattern: pattern solid_fill, '
#from +xlutils.styles 'fore_colourimport light_yellow;'Styles
+from 'font:operator nameimport Arial,'itemgetter
from +time 'heightimport 260gmtime,'
+ 'bold True'
'way too long': easyxf('pattern: pattern solid_fillstrptime, '
+ 'fore_colour light_orange;'clock
+from 'font:datetime nameimport Arialdatetime,'
+ 'height 260'timedelta
from xlutils.copy import )}copy
defclass moodledateconvertmoodlecheat(self, date_inobject):
""" function to return a moodle date in date.time/python convention """
split_date = ' '.join(re.findall(r"[\w']+"mois={'january':'jan', date_in))
return datetime.strptime(split_date'February':'Feb', '%d %B %Y %I %M %p')'March':'Mar','April':'Apr','May':'May','June':'Jun','July':'Jul','August':'Aug','September':'Sep','October':'Oct','November':'Nov','December':'Dec'}
def timegap__init__(self, time_latelogfilepath, time_earlysourcefilepath):
"""self.sourcefilepath calculates= sourcefilepath
between the difference between 2 dates self.logfilepath=logfilepath
e self.gstudentsentries=[]
<'01 September 2001, 11:50AM'> -> time/python convention""" self.validquizzes=[]
- self.moodledateconvert(time_early)inactivestudents=[]
def openworkbook( self.stylo = {1:easyxf('pattern: pattern no_fill;' 'font: name Arial, height 260, italic True'),
2:easyxf('pattern: pattern solid_fill, fore_colour yellow;' 'font: name Arial, height 260'),
""" open the workbook containing the activity entries. """3:easyxf('pattern: pattern solid_fill, fore_colour gray50;' 'font: name Arial, height 260'),
self.work_book = open_workbook 4:easyxf(os.path.join'pattern: pattern solid_fill, fore_colour light_yellow;' 'font: name Arial, height 260, bold True'),
5:easyxf(self.source_filepath'pattern: +pattern 'activitylog.xlsx'solid_fill, fore_colour light_orange;' 'font: name Arial, height 260')}
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
# studentsentries module name date,time IP address name student activity type (full) activity name
# xlout name student, time activity name on_demand=True activity type (short) time since previous question xl file colour row
# valid quizzes name student activity name number of question answered in quiz.
# done quizzes name student activity name
# done quizzes name student activity name
# list of quizzes activity name
# inactivestudents name student
# active students name student flag student taking quiz
# 0 1
# /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# ------------------------------- Functions -------------------------
# function returning True when a student is taking a quiz
def takingquiz(self,item,series):
position = [(i, name.index(item)) for i, name in enumerate(series) if item in name]
return (series[position[0][0]][(position[0][1])+1])
# function to return a moodle date in date.time/python convention <y=01 m=11 d=1 sec=50 msec=00> <- unicode strings/moodle moodle convention <01 September 2001, 11:50AM>
def extractstudentslistudconv(self,datein):
extract the list of all students from thed1=datein.split(',')[1]
2nd worksheet d2=d+d1
d3 = moodlecheat.mois[d2.split(' ')[1]]
d4=d2.split(' ')[0]+' '+d3+' '+d2.split(' ')[2]+' '+d2.split(' ')[3]+d2.split(' ')[4]
d5 = datetime.strptime(d4, '%d %b %Y %I:%M%p')
return d5
# function to calculate between 2 dates in unicode string/moodle log format e.g. <'01 September 2001, 11:50AM'> -> time/python convention
def timegap(self,i,j): = self.udconv(i) - self.udconv(j)
Keyword arguments:
listed_students -- list of students, a flag showing taking a quiz
self.sheet = self.work_book.sheet_by_index(1)
self.listed_students = [Student(_student) for _student in self.sheet.col_values(0)]
def extractstudents_entries(self):
""" Extract all entries for the students listed in [listed_students].
Keyword arguments:
students_entries# -- all entries for the students listed
row -- row number in the data entries worksheet
------------------------ self.sheetMethods =----------------------------------------------- self.work_book.sheet_by_index(0)
for row indef rangeopenworkbook(self.sheet.nrows):
for x in self.listed_students:
if x._name == self.sheet.cell_value(row, 3):
self.students_entrieswb = sortedopen_workbook(self.students_entriessourcefilepath+'activitylog.xlsx',
def listquizzesextractstudentslist(self):
"""# Extract the list [activestudents] of all quizesstudents thatfrom werethe completed3rd worksheet (list student names) in moodle.xlsx = self.wb.sheet_by_index(1)
self.activestudents = [[x,False] for x in]
Keyworddef argumentsextractstudentsentries(self):
valid_quizzes -- list of tuples (student name, quizzes# completed)
Extract activity from the master dataset <studentsentries> for _entryall --the anstudents entrylisted in the<activestudents>
[students_entries] list = """self.wb.sheet_by_index(0)
for _entryr in range(self.students_entriessh.nrows):
if [,3),False] in self.activestudents:
_entry._action[:10] == 'quiz close'self.studentsentries.append(
anddef listquizzes(_entry._name, _entry._infoself):
# list all quizes that were completed into <validquizzes>
notfor x in self.valid_quizzesstudentsentries:
if x[4][:10]=='quiz close' and [x[3],x[5]] not in )self.validquizzes:
self.valid_quizzesvalidquizzes.append((_entry._name[x[3], _entry._info)x[5],-1])
def fliptakingflip_quiz(self, _searched_studentitem,series):
""" Changes# themethod attributeto forchange the student classrecord to show name is taking quiz."""
for _student in self.listed_students:
if _student._namea ==_searched_student:quiz
_student._taking_quizposition = not (_student._taking_quiz)
def flipactive[(selfi, _searched_student):
""" Changes the flag for the student to show is taking quiz."""
for _student in self.listed_students:
if _student._name ==_searched_student:
_studentname._active = True
def istakingindex(self, _searched_studentitem):
""" Changes the flag) for the student to show has completed a quiz."""
fori, _studentname in self.listed_students:
if _student._name ==_searched_student:
return _student._taking_quiz
def logtimestampenumerate(self, messageseries):
""" Writes a message with timeif stampitem in sourcefilepath/log.txt."""
self.message = messagename]
with open(os.path.joinseries[position[0][0]][(self.log_filepath, 'log.txt'position[0][1]), 'a'+1]) as file:
file.write('\n == {} at {}'.
strftime=not('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',gmtimeseries[position[0][0]][())
def logmessagelogtimestamp(self, message):
""" Writes# awrites message<message> in log.txt inat sourcefilepath/log.txt."""
self.message = messagemessage=message
withflog=open open(os.path.join(self.log_filepath, 'loglogfilepath+'log.txt'), 'a'"a")
as file:
flog.write('\n == '+self.message+ ' at '+strftime("%Y-%m-%d file.write%H:%M:%S", gmtime('\n')))
+ print self.message)
def plogmessage(self, namemessage):
""" for test, returns# thewrites value<message> ofin log.taking_quiz attributetxt at \logfilepath
for _searched_studentself.
for x inflog=open (self.listed_students:
if xlogfilepath+'log._name ==txt', n._name:"a")
flog.write('\n'+self.message) print (x._name, x._taking_quiz)
def perstudentquizreport(self):
""" logs quiz information for# eachwrites studentstart and xl ouput table.
Keyword arguments:
xl_out -- list of tuples (student name, quizzes completed)
_entry -- an entry in the [students_entries] list
completion times for each students """
self.logmessage ('\n\nReport on quizzes')
self.logmessage ('=================\n')
self.old_timeoldtime = str('25 April 2014, 11:41 AM')
# Main loop
for _recordm in (sorted(reversed(self.students_entriesstudentsentries), key=itemgetter(3))):
# log[1]
and set flags for each entry when in quiz
# If student starting a quiz and quiz has self.scnot =been self.stylo['normal']
completed yet => log the entries into [quizzdb], log the quizz name ifinto (([validquizzes], flip the flag to show student is taking a quiz _record._action.split(' (')[0] == 'quiz continue attempt' \
if (m[4].split(' (')[0]=='quiz continue attempt' or _record._actionm[4].split(' (')[0][0]=='quiz ==attempt' 'quiz) attempt'and (self.takingquiz(m[3],self.activestudents)==False) \
and (any(p[0]==m[3] and p[1]==m[5] for p in self.validquizzes)) and not (any(p[0]==m[3] and p[1]==m[5] for p in self.donequizzes)):
and (_record self._nameflip_quiz(m[3], _recordself._infoactivestudents)
not in self.done_quizzes \
self.logmessage (m[3]+' has made first answer in the quiz and'+m[5]+ self ' at '+m[1].istakingsplit(_record._name', ')[1])
== False \
and ((_record._name, _record._info) in selfif (m[4].valid_quizzes
split(' (')[0]=='quiz continue attempt' or m[4].split(' (')[0]=='quiz attempt' ) and (self.takingquiz(m[3],self.activestudents)==False) and (any(p[0]==m[3] and p[1]==m[5] for p in self.validquizzes)) and (any(p[0]==m[3] and p[1]==m[5] for p in self.donequizzes)):
self.logmessage( '{} has made first answer(m[3]+' inretook the quiz {}'+m[5]+ ' at {}'+m[1].split(', '
)[1]+' - This is an issue if the quiz is not a practice quiz')
elif m[4][:10]=='quiz close' .formatand (
any(p[0]==m[3] and p[1]==m[5] for p in self.validquizzes)): # finished a quiz
_record self._nameflip_quiz(m[3],self.activestudents)
self.logmessage(m[3]+' has finished the quiz '+m[5]+ ' at '+m[1].split(', ')[1])
if (self.takingquiz(m[3],self.activestudents)==True):
if m[4][:4]!='quiz': # _record._time.split(',')[1]
unusual action during the quiz
self.logmessage('!! -- '+unicode(m[4].split('(')[0])+' '+unicode(m[5])+' at '+unicode(m[1].split(', ')[1])) = ))self.stylo[3]
if ( (_record._action.split(' (')[0] == 'quiz continue attempt' \
or _record._action.split(' (')[0] == 'quiz attempt'
)) \
and (_record._name, _record._info) in self.done_quizzes \
and self.istaking(_record._name) == False \
and ((_record._name, _record._info) in self.valid_quizzes
self.logmessage('{} retook the quiz {} at {} -This is an issue' +
' if the quiz is not a practice quiz'
elif _record._action[:10] == 'quiz close':
self.done_quizzes.append((_record._name, _record._info))
self.logmessage('{} has finished the quiz {} at {}'
self.logmessage(('-'oldtime) * 130)
# unusual actions during a valid quiz
if self.istaking>timedelta(_record._nameminutes=1) == True:
if _record._action[:4] != 'quiz':
self.logmessage('!! -- {} {} at {}'
# More than 1 minute for an ))action = self.stylo['problem']
elif ((self.timegap(_record._time, selfsc=self.old_time))
> timedelta(minutes=1)):stylo[4] = self.stylo['too long']
self.scsc=self.stylo[2]# =Answering self.stylo['answer']quiz
if (self.timegap(_record._timem[1], self.old_timeoldtime)) > timedelta>timedelta(minutes=3):
# More than 3 minutes for an action
self.logmessage('!! - Time gap between answers is greater' +
'greater than 3 minutes. '+unicode({}) at {}'
self.timegap(_record._timem[1], self.old_timeoldtime),
))+' at _record._time'+unicode(m[1].split(', ')[1]
)) = self.stylo['way too long']stylo[5]
if _record._time(m[4].split(', (')[1],
[0]=='quiz continue attempt' or m[4].split(' (')[0]=='quiz attempt'): #log the number of questions answered[ l[2] for l in self.validquizzes if l[0]==m[3] and l[1]==m[5] _record._info,]
self.xlout.append([m[3], m[1].split(', ')[1], m[5], m[4].split('(')[0], self.timegap(_record._timem[1], self.old_timeoldtime),]
) #(self.takingquiz(m[3],self.activestudents))
self.old_timeoldtime = _record._timem[1]
def listallquizzes(self):
""" Creates # report a list of all quizzes
taken by students."""
self.logmessage('\nList of quizzes submitted by the students')
self.logmessage(('=') * 47*47)
for i in self.done_quizzesdonequizzes:
if i[1] not in self.list_of_quizzeslistofquizzes:
def listinlisted_studentslistinactivestudents(self):
""" Write the names # report a list of students who didn't take a quiz
in log.txt. """
self.logmessage('\nList of students who did not take any quiz')
self.logmessage(('=') * 37*37)
self.inactivestudents=[x for x in ([i[0] for i in self.listed_students:
activestudents]) if x not in ([j[0] for j in self.donequizzes])]
if x._active == False for i in self.inactivestudents:
# ------------------------------------- xl writing ---------------------------------------------
def createallstudentfiles(self):
"""# CreatesCreate anindividual excelxl filefiles for each student.the """students
for self.x in [i for i in self.listed_studentsactivestudents if i[0] not in self.inactivestudents]:
self.wpath = os.path.join((selfwpath=self.log_filepath),strlogfilepath+str(self.x._namex[0]) +'.xls')
# Creates a workbook w in memory for a student
self.w = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8") # Creates new workbook for the students
self.sheetsh = self.w.add_sheet('Activity')
# Writes workbook# wCreate atall wpaththe fileworkbooks for that student
def fillingindividualstudentfiles(self):
""" Fill in each workbook created for a student with xl_out data. """ = 'empty'
self.row = 0
for self.x in self.xl_out:
self.row += 1
for self.y in range(1, 5):
self.row, self.y - 1,
str(self.x[self.y]), self.x[5]
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(0).width = 256 * 19
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(1).width = 256 * 90
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(2).width = 256 * 30
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(3).width = 256 * 30
def fillingindividualstudentfiles(self): # next student
# Fill in individual xl files for the liststudents'empty'
for self.x in (sorted(self.xlout, key=itemgetter(0))):
self.row +=1
# row=(open_workbook(wpath).sheet_by_index(0).nrows) use if studentsentries or lastxlout studentis not ordered by name in the list?loop
iffor self.y in range(1,5):
self.x[0]w.get_sheet(0).write(self.row, !self.y-1, str(self.x[self.y]),self.x[5])
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(0).width = 256*19
self.namew.get_sheet(0).col(1).width \= 256*90
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(2).width = 256*30
self.w.get_sheet(0).col(3).width = 256*30
if self.x[0]! or self.xl_outxlout.index(self.x) == (len(self.xl_outxlout) - 1)): #next student in the list or student last in the list = selfname=self.x[0]
self.row = 0row=0
self.wpath = os.path.join((selfwpath=self.log_filepath),
strlogfilepath+str(self.x[0]) +'.xls'
# re-open existing workbook for student
self.w = copyw=copy(open_workbook(self.wpath,
)) #Re-open existing workbook for student and makes a copy in w for ))editing
def main(self):
self.logtimestamp('Importing the data from the workbook started')
self.logtimestamp('Data uploaded')
self.logtimestamp('Uploading students list')
self.logtimestamp('Students list uploaded')
self.logtimestamp('Dumping data in holding table started')
self.logtimestamp('Data dumped ')
self.logtimestamp('Creating a list of quizzes completed started')
self.logtimestamp('List of quizzes completed dumped')
self.logtimestamp('Data processing started')
self.logtimestamp('Data processing complete')
self.logtimestamp('Finding missing students and listing quizzes')
self.logtimestamp('Found missing students and listed quizzes')
self.logtimestamp('Writing individual student xl files')
self.logtimestamp('Students files written')
class Student(MoodleCheat):
""" class describing individual students with name and flags. """
def __init__(self, name, active=False, taking_quiz=False):
self._name = name
self._active = active
self._taking_quiz = taking_quiz
## For further optimisations
## def is_active(self):
## return self._active
## def is_taking_quiz(self):
## return self._taking_quiz
class Entry(MoodleCheat):
""" class describing master data set in source excel file. """
def __init__(self, module, time, ip_addr, name, action, info):
self._module = module
self._time = time
self._ip_addr = ip_addr
self._name = name
self._action = action
self._info = info
## For optimisation
##if __name__ == '__main__':
## import cProfile
moo =moo=moodlecheat MoodleCheat('/Users/macadmin1/Desktop/moodle reports/Reports/',
'/Users/macadmin1/Desktop/moodle reports/')
Any feedback is welcome, especially about defining data structures and classes that would supplant list. I think I understand (to an extent) how to write a simple procedural script like this one in Python and I really want to move onto OOP now.