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There are other ways you could write this but I'm not sure if you'd find any of them cleaner. One option is plain old sprintf. For example:

# assemble file name
fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%ix%i.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size[:width], size[:height])

You could shorten it a little by giving size its own to_s method:

class << size; def to_s; "#{self[:width]}x#{self[:height]}" end end

fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%s.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size)

...and perhaps create other convenience methods along the same lines. But still, very small gains.

Another option would be to make your own super-small template engine, something like this:

def tiny_subst template, bndg
  param_exp   = /:(\w+)[^\w:]+/i
  tmpl_params = template.scan(param_exp).flatten

  proc {
    out_str = template.clone

    tmpl_params.reduce(out_str) do |str, p|
      puts p
      str.gsub ":#{p}", eval(p, bndg).to_s unless p.empty?

tmpl   = ':directory/:prefix-:timestamp-:commit-:size.png'
subber = tiny_subst(tmpl, binding)

directory = 'screenies'
prefix    = 'screenshot'
timestamp =
commit    = '0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4'
size      = '640x960'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4-640x960.png

commit  = 'foobarbazquux'
size    = '9000x9000'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-foobarbazquux-9000x9000.png

So, that's kinda nice, but is it really worth it? Not for me, but I guess if you really hate "#{this}" it might be.

There are other ways you could write this but I'm not sure if you'd find any of them cleaner. One option is plain old sprintf. For example:

# assemble file name
fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%ix%i.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size[:width], size[:height])

You could shorten it a little by giving size its own to_s method:

class << size; def to_s; "#{self[:width]}x#{self[:height]}" end end

fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%s.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size)

...and perhaps create other convenience methods along the same lines. But still, very small gains.

Another option would be to make your own super-small template engine, something like this:

def tiny_subst template, bndg
  param_exp   = /:(\w+)[^\w:]+/i
  tmpl_params = template.scan(param_exp).flatten

  proc {
    out_str = template.clone

    tmpl_params.reduce(out_str) do |str, p|
      puts p
      str.gsub ":#{p}", eval(p, bndg).to_s unless p.empty?

tmpl   = ':directory/:prefix-:timestamp-:commit-:size.png'
subber = tiny_subst(tmpl, binding)

directory = 'screenies'
prefix    = 'screenshot'
timestamp =
commit    = '0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4'
size      = '640x960'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4-640x960.png

commit  = 'foobarbazquux'
size    = '9000x9000'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-foobarbazquux-9000x9000.png

So, that's kinda nice, but is it really worth it? Not for me, but I guess if you really hate "#{this}" it might be.

There are other ways you could write this but I'm not sure if you'd find any of them cleaner. One option is plain old sprintf. For example:

# assemble file name
fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%ix%i.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size[:width], size[:height])

You could shorten it a little by giving size its own to_s method:

class << size; def to_s; "#{self[:width]}x#{self[:height]}" end end

fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%s.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size)

...and perhaps create other convenience methods along the same lines. But still, very small gains.

Another option would be to make your own super-small template engine, something like this:

def tiny_subst template, bndg
  param_exp   = /:(\w+)[^\w:]+/i
  tmpl_params = template.scan(param_exp).flatten

  proc {
    out_str = template.clone

    tmpl_params.reduce(out_str) do |str, p|
      str.gsub ":#{p}", eval(p, bndg).to_s unless p.empty?

tmpl   = ':directory/:prefix-:timestamp-:commit-:size.png'
subber = tiny_subst(tmpl, binding)

directory = 'screenies'
prefix    = 'screenshot'
timestamp =
commit    = '0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4'
size      = '640x960'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4-640x960.png

commit  = 'foobarbazquux'
size    = '9000x9000'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-foobarbazquux-9000x9000.png

So, that's kinda nice, but is it really worth it? Not for me, but I guess if you really hate "#{this}" it might be.

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There are other ways you could write this but I'm not sure if you'd find any of them cleaner. One option is plain old sprintf. For example:

# assemble file name
fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%ix%i.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size[:width], size[:height])

You could shorten it a little by giving size its own to_s method:

class << size; def to_s; "#{self[:width]}x#{self[:height]}" end end

fname = sprintf("%s/%s-%i-%s-%s.png", directory, prefix, timestamp,
          commit, size)

...and perhaps create other convenience methods along the same lines. But still, very small gains.

Another option would be to make your own super-small template engine, something like this:

def tiny_subst template, bndg
  param_exp   = /:(\w+)[^\w:]+/i
  tmpl_params = template.scan(param_exp).flatten

  proc {
    out_str = template.clone

    tmpl_params.reduce(out_str) do |str, p|
      puts p
      str.gsub ":#{p}", eval(p, bndg).to_s unless p.empty?

tmpl   = ':directory/:prefix-:timestamp-:commit-:size.png'
subber = tiny_subst(tmpl, binding)

directory = 'screenies'
prefix    = 'screenshot'
timestamp =
commit    = '0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4'
size      = '640x960'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-0b5c7967887481deb17bcd9039cd3fe0ac4540d4-640x960.png

commit  = 'foobarbazquux'
size    = '9000x9000'

subber.yield # => screenies/screenshot-1316535022-foobarbazquux-9000x9000.png

So, that's kinda nice, but is it really worth it? Not for me, but I guess if you really hate "#{this}" it might be.