First of all, for a better user experience, I would avoid pagination in favour of infinite scroll. Here is a simple Angular infinite scroll implementation
I presume you are aware of minification-proof technique .controller('name', ['$scope', function($scope){}]
, so won't go into that.
Next, I see many fields like $scope.players
, $scope.teams
, ..., mixed with $scope.filters
, which can lead to namespace conflicts as the app grows. Hence I would gather all data-related fields into one object like $
. Then you can simply pass the whole object from your service instead of assigning one-by-one.
The hard-coded declation $scope.predicate = '';
is mixed with others provided by the service. Perhaps it belongs to a Config service together with other hard-coded properties.
Also I presume you are aware of the difference between using $scope.field
vs $scope.field.subfield
in terms of their interactions with parent and child scopes.
Unless you know what you are doing, a recommended practice is to use $scope.field.subfield
. That way, in a child controller, you have both read and write access to it. If instead you use $scope.field
, then changing it from a child controller will add a variable on the local scope but won't change the parent scope as you likely intend, see here.
See also Misko's video on best practices, including putting the dot inside your $scope
suggests that you are using service minMax
just for one function. I would gather those functions into one bigger service like Utils
. You already have lots of dependencies for your controller, so lowering that number can be a good thing. Similar for $scope.teams = TeamsModel;
I am not sure why you define filters inside a controller, rather than with .filter
as common.
Usually filters declared via .filter
update themselves, so no need for watchers.