In my original revieworiginal review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.
In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.
In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.
Right off the bat I created two
which will be helpful in the rest of the program. aGesture
which holds all possible playableGestures
, and aPerformance
to communicate to a player how they did during aGame
.enum Gesture { Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissors = 3, Spock = 4, Lizard = 5 } enum Performance { Lost = -1, Tied = 0, Won = 1 }
I created an
which handled the specific player data. From here I created aHuman
, which inherits fromPlayer
, and implemented theirGetMove
methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.abstract class Player { public uint Wins { get; private set; } public uint Loses { get; private set; } public uint Ties { get; private set; } public abstract Gesture GetMove(); public string GetScoreCard() { return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]"; } public void ClearScore() { Wins = Loses = Ties = 0; } public void GiveResult(Performance performance) { switch (performance) { case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break; case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break; case Performance.Won: Wins++; break; } } } class Human : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1); return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: "); } } class Computer : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length)); } }
I created a
. This one isstatic
because I didn't think it was necessary to create a newGame
every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented aPlay
method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In theGame
, I enclosed things like, aList
of all theGestures
, aDictionary
(what defeats what and why). APlay
method to simulate the RPSLS, aWhoWon
method which returns who the winner between two players was, and aGetReason
method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.static class Game { public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture)); private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>() { {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"} }; public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2) { Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove(); Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove(); Console.Write("Player 1 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); Console.Write("Player 2 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move); switch (result) { case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break; case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break; case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break; } if (result == 0) Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!"); else Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move)); } private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move) { return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2; } private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser) { return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser; } }
For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class
static class Utils { public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ") { int g; do { Console.Write(prompt); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g)) { if (g >= min && g <= max) return g; Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max); } else Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again..."); } while (true); } public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0) { values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value)); } public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color) { var curr = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = curr; } }
This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these
, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var endGameMenugameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again""Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" }; var me = new Human(); var computer = new Computer(); var playAgain = true; do { GameUtils.PlayWriteLineColored(me"Options:", computerConsoleColor.White); ConsoleUtils.WriteLinePrintMenu("Your scorecard: " + megameMenu.GetScoreCardToList()); intswitch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, result;gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ")) do{ { case 0: Console.WriteLineClear("Options:"); Utils.PrintMenu(endGameMenu Game.ToListPlay()me, computer); result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu Console.LengthWriteLine("Your -scorecard: 1," "Choose+ anme.GetScoreCard() Option:+ "Environment.NewLine); if (result == 1) break; {case 1: meConsole.ClearScoreClear(); Consoleme.ClearClearScore(); Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green); } break; } while case 2: Console.Clear(result); ! playAgain = 0false; && result Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!=\nPress 2any Key to contine..."); Console.ClearReadKey(true); playAgain = result == 0; break; } } while (playAgain); } }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace RPSLS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var endGameMenugameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again""Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
var me = new Human();
var computer = new Computer();
var playAgain = true;
GameUtils.PlayWriteLineColored(me"Options:", computerConsoleColor.White);
ConsoleUtils.WriteLinePrintMenu("Your scorecard: " + megameMenu.GetScoreCardToList());
int result;
switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: do"))
result =case Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
if (result == 1)
Game.Play(me, computer);
Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine);
case 1:
Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
} break;
} while case 2:
! playAgain = 0false;
&& result Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!=\nPress 2any Key to contine...");
playAgain = result == 0; break;
} while (playAgain);
enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
enum Performance
Lost = -1,
Tied = 0,
Won = 1
abstract class Player
public uint Wins { get; private set; }
public uint Loses { get; private set; }
public uint Ties { get; private set; }
public abstract Gesture GetMove();
public string GetScoreCard()
return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
public void ClearScore()
Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
switch (performance)
case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
class Human : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
class Computer : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
static class Game
public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
switch (result)
case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
if (result == 0)
Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
static class Utils
public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
int g;
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
if (g >= min && g <= max)
return g;
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
} while (true);
public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
Right off the bat I created two
which will be helpful in the rest of the program. aGesture
which holds all possible playableGestures
, and aPerformance
to communicate to a player how they did during aGame
.enum Gesture { Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissors = 3, Spock = 4, Lizard = 5 } enum Performance { Lost = -1, Tied = 0, Won = 1 }
I created an
which handled the specific player data. From here I created aHuman
, which inherits fromPlayer
, and implemented theirGetMove
methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.abstract class Player { public uint Wins { get; private set; } public uint Loses { get; private set; } public uint Ties { get; private set; } public abstract Gesture GetMove(); public string GetScoreCard() { return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]"; } public void ClearScore() { Wins = Loses = Ties = 0; } public void GiveResult(Performance performance) { switch (performance) { case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break; case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break; case Performance.Won: Wins++; break; } } } class Human : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1); return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: "); } } class Computer : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length)); } }
I created a
. This one isstatic
because I didn't think it was necessary to create a newGame
every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented aPlay
method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In theGame
, I enclosed things like, aList
of all theGestures
, aDictionary
(what defeats what and why). APlay
method to simulate the RPSLS, aWhoWon
method which returns who the winner between two players was, and aGetReason
method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.static class Game { public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture)); private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>() { {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"} }; public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2) { Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove(); Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove(); Console.Write("Player 1 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); Console.Write("Player 2 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move); switch (result) { case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break; case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break; case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break; } if (result == 0) Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!"); else Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move)); } private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move) { return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2; } private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser) { return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser; } }
For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class
static class Utils { public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ") { int g; do { Console.Write(prompt); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g)) { if (g >= min && g <= max) return g; Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max); } else Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again..."); } while (true); } public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0) { values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value)); } public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color) { var curr = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = curr; } }
This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these
, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" }; var me = new Human(); var computer = new Computer(); var playAgain = true; do { Game.Play(me, computer); Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard()); int result; do { Console.WriteLine("Options:"); Utils.PrintMenu(endGameMenu.ToList()); result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "); if (result == 1) { me.ClearScore(); Console.Clear(); Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green); } } while (result != 0 && result != 2); Console.Clear(); playAgain = result == 0; } while (playAgain); } }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace RPSLS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
var me = new Human();
var computer = new Computer();
var playAgain = true;
Game.Play(me, computer);
Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
int result;
result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
if (result == 1)
Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
} while (result != 0 && result != 2);
playAgain = result == 0;
} while (playAgain);
enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
enum Performance
Lost = -1,
Tied = 0,
Won = 1
abstract class Player
public uint Wins { get; private set; }
public uint Loses { get; private set; }
public uint Ties { get; private set; }
public abstract Gesture GetMove();
public string GetScoreCard()
return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
public void ClearScore()
Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
switch (performance)
case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
class Human : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
class Computer : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
static class Game
public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
switch (result)
case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
if (result == 0)
Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
static class Utils
public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
int g;
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
if (g >= min && g <= max)
return g;
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
} while (true);
public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
Right off the bat I created two
which will be helpful in the rest of the program. aGesture
which holds all possible playableGestures
, and aPerformance
to communicate to a player how they did during aGame
.enum Gesture { Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissors = 3, Spock = 4, Lizard = 5 } enum Performance { Lost = -1, Tied = 0, Won = 1 }
I created an
which handled the specific player data. From here I created aHuman
, which inherits fromPlayer
, and implemented theirGetMove
methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.abstract class Player { public uint Wins { get; private set; } public uint Loses { get; private set; } public uint Ties { get; private set; } public abstract Gesture GetMove(); public string GetScoreCard() { return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]"; } public void ClearScore() { Wins = Loses = Ties = 0; } public void GiveResult(Performance performance) { switch (performance) { case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break; case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break; case Performance.Won: Wins++; break; } } } class Human : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1); return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: "); } } class Computer : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length)); } }
I created a
. This one isstatic
because I didn't think it was necessary to create a newGame
every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented aPlay
method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In theGame
, I enclosed things like, aList
of all theGestures
, aDictionary
(what defeats what and why). APlay
method to simulate the RPSLS, aWhoWon
method which returns who the winner between two players was, and aGetReason
method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.static class Game { public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture)); private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>() { {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"} }; public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2) { Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove(); Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove(); Console.Write("Player 1 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); Console.Write("Player 2 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move); switch (result) { case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break; case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break; case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break; } if (result == 0) Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!"); else Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move)); } private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move) { return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2; } private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser) { return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser; } }
For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class
static class Utils { public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ") { int g; do { Console.Write(prompt); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g)) { if (g >= min && g <= max) return g; Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max); } else Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again..."); } while (true); } public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0) { values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value)); } public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color) { var curr = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = curr; } }
This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these
, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var gameMenu = new string[] { "Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" }; var me = new Human(); var computer = new Computer(); var playAgain = true; do { Utils.WriteLineColored("Options:", ConsoleColor.White); Utils.PrintMenu(gameMenu.ToList()); switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ")) { case 0: Console.Clear(); Game.Play(me, computer); Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine); break; case 1: Console.Clear(); me.ClearScore(); Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green); break; case 2: Console.Clear(); playAgain = false; Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!\nPress any Key to contine..."); Console.ReadKey(true); break; } } while (playAgain); } }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace RPSLS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var gameMenu = new string[] { "Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
var me = new Human();
var computer = new Computer();
var playAgain = true;
Utils.WriteLineColored("Options:", ConsoleColor.White);
switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "))
case 0:
Game.Play(me, computer);
Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine);
case 1:
Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
case 2:
playAgain = false;
Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!\nPress any Key to contine...");
} while (playAgain);
enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
enum Performance
Lost = -1,
Tied = 0,
Won = 1
abstract class Player
public uint Wins { get; private set; }
public uint Loses { get; private set; }
public uint Ties { get; private set; }
public abstract Gesture GetMove();
public string GetScoreCard()
return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
public void ClearScore()
Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
switch (performance)
case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
class Human : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
class Computer : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
static class Game
public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
switch (result)
case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
if (result == 0)
Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
static class Utils
public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
int g;
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
if (g >= min && g <= max)
return g;
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
} while (true);
public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.
Right off the bat I created two
which will be helpful in the rest of the program. aGesture
which holds all possible playableGestures
, and aPerformance
to communicate to a player how they did during aGame
.enum Gesture { Rock = 1, Paper = 2, Scissors = 3, Spock = 4, Lizard = 5 } enum Performance { Lost = -1, Tied = 0, Won = 1 }
I created an
which handled the specific player data. From here I created aHuman
, which inherits fromPlayer
, and implemented theirGetMove
methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.abstract class Player { public uint Wins { get; private set; } public uint Loses { get; private set; } public uint Ties { get; private set; } public abstract Gesture GetMove(); public string GetScoreCard() { return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]"; } public void ClearScore() { Wins = Loses = Ties = 0; } public void GiveResult(Performance performance) { switch (performance) { case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break; case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break; case Performance.Won: Wins++; break; } } } class Human : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1); return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: "); } } class Computer : Player { public override Gesture GetMove() { return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length)); } }
I created a
. This one isstatic
because I didn't think it was necessary to create a newGame
every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented aPlay
method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In theGame
, I enclosed things like, aList
of all theGestures
, aDictionary
(what defeats what and why). APlay
method to simulate the RPSLS, aWhoWon
method which returns who the winner between two players was, and aGetReason
method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.static class Game { public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture)); private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>() { {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"}, {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"} }; public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2) { Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove(); Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove(); Console.Write("Player 1 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); Console.Write("Player 2 Chose "); Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move); switch (result) { case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break; case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break; case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break; } if (result == 0) Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!"); else Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move)); } private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move) { return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2; } private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser) { return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser; } }
For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class
static class Utils { public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ") { int g; do { Console.Write(prompt); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g)) { if (g >= min && g <= max) return g; Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max); } else Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again..."); } while (true); } public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0) { values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value)); } public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color) { var curr = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = curr; } }
This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these
, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" }; var me = new Human(); var computer = new Computer(); var playAgain = true; do { Game.Play(me, computer); Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard()); int result; do { Console.WriteLine("Options:"); Utils.PrintMenu(endGameMenu.ToList()); result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "); if (result == 1) { me.ClearScore(); Console.Clear(); Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green); } } while (result != 0 && result != 2); Console.Clear(); playAgain = result == 0; } while (playAgain); } }
Here is the entire dump of the program:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace RPSLS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
var me = new Human();
var computer = new Computer();
var playAgain = true;
Game.Play(me, computer);
Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
int result;
result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
if (result == 1)
Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
} while (result != 0 && result != 2);
playAgain = result == 0;
} while (playAgain);
enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
enum Performance
Lost = -1,
Tied = 0,
Won = 1
abstract class Player
public uint Wins { get; private set; }
public uint Loses { get; private set; }
public uint Ties { get; private set; }
public abstract Gesture GetMove();
public string GetScoreCard()
return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
public void ClearScore()
Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
switch (performance)
case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
class Human : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
class Computer : Player
public override Gesture GetMove()
return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
static class Game
public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
switch (result)
case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
if (result == 0)
Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
static class Utils
public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
int g;
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
if (g >= min && g <= max)
return g;
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
} while (true);
public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
Console.ForegroundColor = curr;