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In my original revieworiginal review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.

In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.

In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.

Updated with better Main method
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  • 4.3k
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  1. Right off the bat I created two enums which will be helpful in the rest of the program. a Gesture enum which holds all possible playable Gestures, and a Performance enum to communicate to a player how they did during a Game.

     enum Gesture
         Rock = 1,
         Paper = 2,
         Scissors = 3,
         Spock = 4,
         Lizard = 5
     enum Performance
         Lost = -1,
         Tied = 0,
         Won = 1
  2. I created an abstract Player class which handled the specific player data. From here I created a Human and Computer class, which inherits from Player, and implemented their GetMove methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.

     abstract class Player
         public uint Wins { get; private set; }
         public uint Loses { get; private set; }
         public uint Ties { get; private set; }
         public abstract Gesture GetMove();
         public string GetScoreCard()
             return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
         public void ClearScore()
             Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
         public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
             switch (performance)
                 case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                 case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                 case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
     class Human : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
             return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
     class Computer : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
  3. I created a static Game class. This one is static because I didn't think it was necessary to create a new Game object every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented a Play method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In the Game class, I enclosed things like, a List of all the Gestures, a Dictionary of Rules (what defeats what and why). A Play method to simulate the RPSLS, a WhoWon method which returns who the winner between two players was, and a GetReason method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.

     static class Game
         public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
         private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
         public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
             Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
             Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
             Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
             switch (result)
                 case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                 case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                 case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
             if (result == 0)
                 Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                 Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
         private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
             return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
         private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
             return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
  4. For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class

     static class Utils
         public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
             int g;
                 if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                     if (g >= min && g <= max)
                         return g;
                     Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                     Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
             } while (true);
         public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
             values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
         public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
             var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
             Console.ForegroundColor = color;
             Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  5. This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these objects, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).

     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             var endGameMenugameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again""Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
             var me = new Human();
             var computer = new Computer();
             var playAgain = true;
                 GameUtils.PlayWriteLineColored(me"Options:", computerConsoleColor.White);
                 ConsoleUtils.WriteLinePrintMenu("Your scorecard: " + megameMenu.GetScoreCardToList());
                 intswitch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, result;gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "))
                 {    case 0:
                     Utils.PrintMenu(endGameMenu    Game.ToListPlay()me, computer);
                     result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu Console.LengthWriteLine("Your -scorecard: 1," "Choose+ anme.GetScoreCard() Option:+ "Environment.NewLine);
                     if (result == 1) break;
                     {case 1:
                         Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                     }    break;
                 } while   case 2:
     !                    playAgain = 0false;
     && result                   Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!=\nPress 2any Key to contine...");
                 playAgain = result == 0;    break;
             } while (playAgain);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace RPSLS
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var endGameMenugameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again""Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
            var me = new Human();
            var computer = new Computer();
            var playAgain = true;

                GameUtils.PlayWriteLineColored(me"Options:", computerConsoleColor.White);
                ConsoleUtils.WriteLinePrintMenu("Your scorecard: " + megameMenu.GetScoreCardToList());
                int result;
         switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: do"))
                    result =case Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
                    if (result == 1)
                        Game.Play(me, computer);
                        Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine);
                    case 1:
                        Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                    }    break;
                } while   case 2:
 !                       playAgain = 0false;
 && result                      Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!=\nPress 2any Key to contine...");
                playAgain = result == 0;    break;
            } while (playAgain);

    enum Gesture
        Rock = 1,
        Paper = 2,
        Scissors = 3,
        Spock = 4,
        Lizard = 5

    enum Performance
        Lost = -1,
        Tied = 0,
        Won = 1

    abstract class Player
        public uint Wins { get; private set; }
        public uint Loses { get; private set; }
        public uint Ties { get; private set; }

        public abstract Gesture GetMove();

        public string GetScoreCard()
            return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";

        public void ClearScore()
            Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;

        public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
            switch (performance)
                case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;

    class Human : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
            return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");

    class Computer : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));

    static class Game
        public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));

        private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}

        public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
            Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
            Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();

            Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
            Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);

            int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
            switch (result)
                case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;

            if (result == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));

        private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
            return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;

        private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
            return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;

    static class Utils
        public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
            int g;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                    if (g >= min && g <= max)
                        return g;
                    Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                    Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
            } while (true);

        public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
            values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));

        public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
            var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
            Console.ForegroundColor = color;
            Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  1. Right off the bat I created two enums which will be helpful in the rest of the program. a Gesture enum which holds all possible playable Gestures, and a Performance enum to communicate to a player how they did during a Game.

     enum Gesture
         Rock = 1,
         Paper = 2,
         Scissors = 3,
         Spock = 4,
         Lizard = 5
     enum Performance
         Lost = -1,
         Tied = 0,
         Won = 1
  2. I created an abstract Player class which handled the specific player data. From here I created a Human and Computer class, which inherits from Player, and implemented their GetMove methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.

     abstract class Player
         public uint Wins { get; private set; }
         public uint Loses { get; private set; }
         public uint Ties { get; private set; }
         public abstract Gesture GetMove();
         public string GetScoreCard()
             return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
         public void ClearScore()
             Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
         public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
             switch (performance)
                 case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                 case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                 case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
     class Human : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
             return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
     class Computer : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
  3. I created a static Game class. This one is static because I didn't think it was necessary to create a new Game object every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented a Play method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In the Game class, I enclosed things like, a List of all the Gestures, a Dictionary of Rules (what defeats what and why). A Play method to simulate the RPSLS, a WhoWon method which returns who the winner between two players was, and a GetReason method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.

     static class Game
         public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
         private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
         public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
             Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
             Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
             Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
             switch (result)
                 case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                 case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                 case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
             if (result == 0)
                 Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                 Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
         private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
             return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
         private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
             return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
  4. For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class

     static class Utils
         public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
             int g;
                 if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                     if (g >= min && g <= max)
                         return g;
                     Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                     Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
             } while (true);
         public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
             values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
         public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
             var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
             Console.ForegroundColor = color;
             Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  5. This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these objects, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).

     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
             var me = new Human();
             var computer = new Computer();
             var playAgain = true;
                 Game.Play(me, computer);
                 Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
                 int result;
                     result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
                     if (result == 1)
                         Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                 } while (result != 0 && result != 2);
                 playAgain = result == 0;
             } while (playAgain);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace RPSLS
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
            var me = new Human();
            var computer = new Computer();
            var playAgain = true;

                Game.Play(me, computer);
                Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
                int result;
                    result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
                    if (result == 1)
                        Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                } while (result != 0 && result != 2);
                playAgain = result == 0;
            } while (playAgain);

    enum Gesture
        Rock = 1,
        Paper = 2,
        Scissors = 3,
        Spock = 4,
        Lizard = 5

    enum Performance
        Lost = -1,
        Tied = 0,
        Won = 1

    abstract class Player
        public uint Wins { get; private set; }
        public uint Loses { get; private set; }
        public uint Ties { get; private set; }

        public abstract Gesture GetMove();

        public string GetScoreCard()
            return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";

        public void ClearScore()
            Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;

        public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
            switch (performance)
                case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;

    class Human : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
            return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");

    class Computer : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));

    static class Game
        public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));

        private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}

        public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
            Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
            Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();

            Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
            Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);

            int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
            switch (result)
                case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;

            if (result == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));

        private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
            return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;

        private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
            return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;

    static class Utils
        public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
            int g;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                    if (g >= min && g <= max)
                        return g;
                    Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                    Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
            } while (true);

        public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
            values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));

        public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
            var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
            Console.ForegroundColor = color;
            Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  1. Right off the bat I created two enums which will be helpful in the rest of the program. a Gesture enum which holds all possible playable Gestures, and a Performance enum to communicate to a player how they did during a Game.

     enum Gesture
         Rock = 1,
         Paper = 2,
         Scissors = 3,
         Spock = 4,
         Lizard = 5
     enum Performance
         Lost = -1,
         Tied = 0,
         Won = 1
  2. I created an abstract Player class which handled the specific player data. From here I created a Human and Computer class, which inherits from Player, and implemented their GetMove methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.

     abstract class Player
         public uint Wins { get; private set; }
         public uint Loses { get; private set; }
         public uint Ties { get; private set; }
         public abstract Gesture GetMove();
         public string GetScoreCard()
             return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
         public void ClearScore()
             Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
         public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
             switch (performance)
                 case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                 case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                 case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
     class Human : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
             return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
     class Computer : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
  3. I created a static Game class. This one is static because I didn't think it was necessary to create a new Game object every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented a Play method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In the Game class, I enclosed things like, a List of all the Gestures, a Dictionary of Rules (what defeats what and why). A Play method to simulate the RPSLS, a WhoWon method which returns who the winner between two players was, and a GetReason method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.

     static class Game
         public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
         private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
         public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
             Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
             Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
             Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
             switch (result)
                 case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                 case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                 case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
             if (result == 0)
                 Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                 Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
         private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
             return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
         private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
             return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
  4. For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class

     static class Utils
         public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
             int g;
                 if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                     if (g >= min && g <= max)
                         return g;
                     Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                     Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
             } while (true);
         public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
             values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
         public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
             var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
             Console.ForegroundColor = color;
             Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  5. This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these objects, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).

     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             var gameMenu = new string[] { "Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
             var me = new Human();
             var computer = new Computer();
             var playAgain = true;
                 Utils.WriteLineColored("Options:", ConsoleColor.White);
                 switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "))
                     case 0:
                         Game.Play(me, computer);
                         Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine);
                     case 1:
                         Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                     case 2:
                         playAgain = false;
                         Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!\nPress any Key to contine...");
             } while (playAgain);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace RPSLS
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var gameMenu = new string[] { "Play", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
            var me = new Human();
            var computer = new Computer();
            var playAgain = true;
                Utils.WriteLineColored("Options:", ConsoleColor.White);
                switch(Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, gameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: "))
                    case 0:
                        Game.Play(me, computer);
                        Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard() + Environment.NewLine);
                    case 1:
                        Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                    case 2:
                        playAgain = false;
                        Console.Write("Good bye, thanks for playing!\nPress any Key to contine...");
            } while (playAgain);

    enum Gesture
        Rock = 1,
        Paper = 2,
        Scissors = 3,
        Spock = 4,
        Lizard = 5

    enum Performance
        Lost = -1,
        Tied = 0,
        Won = 1

    abstract class Player
        public uint Wins { get; private set; }
        public uint Loses { get; private set; }
        public uint Ties { get; private set; }

        public abstract Gesture GetMove();

        public string GetScoreCard()
            return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";

        public void ClearScore()
            Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;

        public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
            switch (performance)
                case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;

    class Human : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
            return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");

    class Computer : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));

    static class Game
        public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));

        private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}

        public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
            Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
            Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();

            Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
            Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);

            int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
            switch (result)
                case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;

            if (result == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));

        private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
            return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;

        private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
            return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;

    static class Utils
        public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
            int g;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                    if (g >= min && g <= max)
                        return g;
                    Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                    Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
            } while (true);

        public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
            values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));

        public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
            var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
            Console.ForegroundColor = color;
            Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
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In my original review of this program I mentioned I really wanted to re-do this in OO. So I have. I recommend you read my first review to get most of the reasons behind much of the code refactoring I did.

  1. Right off the bat I created two enums which will be helpful in the rest of the program. a Gesture enum which holds all possible playable Gestures, and a Performance enum to communicate to a player how they did during a Game.

     enum Gesture
         Rock = 1,
         Paper = 2,
         Scissors = 3,
         Spock = 4,
         Lizard = 5
     enum Performance
         Lost = -1,
         Tied = 0,
         Won = 1
  2. I created an abstract Player class which handled the specific player data. From here I created a Human and Computer class, which inherits from Player, and implemented their GetMove methods, because that is the only place where these two types of players differ.

     abstract class Player
         public uint Wins { get; private set; }
         public uint Loses { get; private set; }
         public uint Ties { get; private set; }
         public abstract Gesture GetMove();
         public string GetScoreCard()
             return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";
         public void ClearScore()
             Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;
         public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
             switch (performance)
                 case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                 case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                 case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;
     class Human : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
             return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
     class Computer : Player
         public override Gesture GetMove()
             return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));
  3. I created a static Game class. This one is static because I didn't think it was necessary to create a new Game object every-time you wanted to play. Instead I implemented a Play method which simply handled all the necessary logic. In the Game class, I enclosed things like, a List of all the Gestures, a Dictionary of Rules (what defeats what and why). A Play method to simulate the RPSLS, a WhoWon method which returns who the winner between two players was, and a GetReason method which returns the reason a particular Gesture won over another.

     static class Game
         public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
         private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
             {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
         public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
             Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
             Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();
             Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
             Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
             int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
             switch (result)
                 case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                 case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                 case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;
             if (result == 0)
                 Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                 Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));
         private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
             return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;
         private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
             return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;
  4. For any general utility methods, I enclosed those in a static Utils class

     static class Utils
         public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
             int g;
                 if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                     if (g >= min && g <= max)
                         return g;
                     Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                     Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
             } while (true);
         public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
             values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));
         public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
             var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
             Console.ForegroundColor = color;
             Console.ForegroundColor = curr;
  5. This brings me to actually using these classes in a meaningful way to actually play the game. You must create the players you want to pit against each other, this could be 2 computers, 2 humans, or a combination of either. As-long as you hold a reference to these objects, you also are holding onto their scorecard (assuming they didn't clear it).

     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
             var me = new Human();
             var computer = new Computer();
             var playAgain = true;
                 Game.Play(me, computer);
                 Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
                 int result;
                     result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
                     if (result == 1)
                         Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                 } while (result != 0 && result != 2);
                 playAgain = result == 0;
             } while (playAgain);

Here is the entire dump of the program:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace RPSLS
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var endGameMenu = new string[] { "Play Again", "Clear Score", "Quit" };
            var me = new Human();
            var computer = new Computer();
            var playAgain = true;

                Game.Play(me, computer);
                Console.WriteLine("Your scorecard: " + me.GetScoreCard());
                int result;
                    result = Utils.PromptForRangedInt(0, endGameMenu.Length - 1, "Choose an Option: ");
                    if (result == 1)
                        Utils.WriteLineColored("Your score has been cleared", ConsoleColor.Green);
                } while (result != 0 && result != 2);
                playAgain = result == 0;
            } while (playAgain);

    enum Gesture
        Rock = 1,
        Paper = 2,
        Scissors = 3,
        Spock = 4,
        Lizard = 5

    enum Performance
        Lost = -1,
        Tied = 0,
        Won = 1

    abstract class Player
        public uint Wins { get; private set; }
        public uint Loses { get; private set; }
        public uint Ties { get; private set; }

        public abstract Gesture GetMove();

        public string GetScoreCard()
            return "[Wins: " + Wins + "] [Loses " + Loses + "] [Ties " + Ties + "]";

        public void ClearScore()
            Wins = Loses = Ties = 0;

        public void GiveResult(Performance performance)
            switch (performance)
                case Performance.Lost: Loses++; break;
                case Performance.Tied: Ties++; break;
                case Performance.Won: Wins++; break;

    class Human : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            Utils.PrintMenu(Game.Gestures.Select(g => g.ToString()).ToList(), 1);
            return (Gesture)Utils.PromptForRangedInt((int)Game.Gestures.First(), (int)Game.Gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");

    class Computer : Player
        public override Gesture GetMove()
            return (Gesture)Game.Gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(Game.Gestures.Length));

    static class Game
        public static Gesture[] Gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));

        private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> Rules = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},

                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
                {Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}

        public static void Play(Player player1, Player player2)
            Gesture p1move = player1.GetMove();
            Gesture p2move = player2.GetMove();

            Console.Write("Player 1 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p1move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);
            Console.Write("Player 2 Chose ");
            Utils.WriteLineColored(p2move.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green);

            int result = WhoWon(p1move, p2move);
            switch (result)
                case 0: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Tied); break;
                case 1: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Won); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); break;
                case 2: player1.GiveResult(Performance.Lost); player2.GiveResult(Performance.Won); break;

            if (result == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("It was a tie!");
                Console.WriteLine("Player {0} won, because {1}.", result, GetReason(result == 1 ? p1move : p2move, result == 1 ? p2move : p1move));

        private static int WhoWon(Gesture p1move, Gesture p2move)
            return p1move == p2move ? 0 : Rules.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)p1move && key.Item2 == (int)p2move).FirstOrDefault() != null ? 1 : 2;

        private static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
            return winner + " " + Rules[Tuple.Create((int)winner, (int)loser)] + " " + loser;

    static class Utils
        public static int PromptForRangedInt(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
            int g;
                if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
                    if (g >= min && g <= max)
                        return g;
                    Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
                    Console.WriteLine("That is not a number. Please try again...");
            } while (true);

        public static void PrintMenu(List<string> values, int baseIndex = 0)
            values.ForEach(value => Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", baseIndex++, value));

        public static void WriteLineColored(string text, ConsoleColor color)
            var curr = Console.ForegroundColor;
            Console.ForegroundColor = color;
            Console.ForegroundColor = curr;