enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
enum Gesture
Rock = 1,
Paper = 2,
Scissors = 3,
Spock = 4,
Lizard = 5
class Program
private static Gesture[] _gestures = (Gesture[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Gesture));
private static Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string> _actions = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, string>()
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,3), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(1,5), "Crushes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,1), "Covers"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(2,4), "Disproves"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,2), "Cuts"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(3,5), "Decapitates"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,3), "Smashes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(4,1), "Vaporizes"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,2), "Eats"},
{Tuple.Create<int,int>(5,4), "Poisons"}
public static void Main(string[] args)
/* Here are your rules:
"Scissors cuts paper,
paper covers rock,
rock crushes lizard,
lizard poisons Spock,
Spock smashes scissors,
scissors decapitate lizard,
lizard eats paper,
paper disproves Spock,
Spock vaporizes rock.
And as it always has, rock crushes scissors."
-- Dr. Sheldon Cooper */
int wins = 0;
int loses = 0;
int ties = 0;
var newGame = true;
Gesture playerGesture = GetPlayerGesture();
Gesture computerGesture = GetComputerGesture();
Console.WriteLine("Computer: " + computerGesture);
Console.WriteLine("Your Gesture: " + playerGesture);
switch (WhoWon(playerGesture, computerGesture))
case 0: ties++; Console.WriteLine("You have tied with the the computer."); break;
case 1: wins++; Console.WriteLine("You win, " + GetReason(playerGesture, computerGesture)); break;
case 2: loses++; Console.WriteLine("You lose, " + GetReason(computerGesture, playerGesture)); break;
Console.WriteLine("Your Score is (W:L:T:) : {0}:{1}:{2}", wins, loses, ties);
Console.Write("Would you like to play again? ");
if (!GetYN())
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to reset your Score?");
if (newGame = GetYN())
wins = loses = ties = 0;
if (!newGame)
Console.Write("Would you like to play again? ");
newGame = GetYN();
} while (newGame);
Console.WriteLine("Goodbye\nPress any key to close...");
public static int WhoWon(Gesture player1, Gesture player2)
return (player1 == player2) ? 0 : (((int)player1 % 2 == 0) == (((int)player1 + (int)player2) % 2 == 0)) ? 1 : 2;
public static int GetIntInRange(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue, string prompt = "Please enter an Integer: ")
int g;
if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out g))
if (g >= min && g <= max)
return g;
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}, but the input must be in the range of ({1} - {2}. Please try again...", g, min, max);
Console.WriteLine("That is not a real number. Please try again...");
} while (true);
public static bool GetYN(string prompt = "(y/n): ")
switch (Console.ReadKey(true).Key)
case ConsoleKey.Y: Console.Write("Y\n"); return true;
case ConsoleKey.N: Console.Write("N\n"); return false;
} while (true);
public static void GameSetup()
foreach (Gesture gesture in _gestures)
Console.WriteLine((int)gesture + ": " + Enum.GetName(typeof(Gesture), gesture));
public static Gesture GetComputerGesture()
return (Gesture)_gestures.GetValue(new Random().Next(_gestures.Length));
public static Gesture GetPlayerGesture()
return (Gesture)GetIntInRange((int)_gestures.First(), (int)_gestures.Last(), "Please choose your Gesture: ");
public static string GetReason(Gesture winner, Gesture loser)
Tuple<int, int> k = _actions.Keys.Where(key => key.Item1 == (int)winner && key.Item2 == (int)loser).FirstOrDefault();
foreach (var key in _actions.Keys)
int w = (int)winner;
int l = (int)loser;
if (key.Item1 == w && key.Item2 == l)
k = key;
return winner + " " + _actions[k] + " " + loser;