I'm currently creating a ASP.NET MVC page in C#.
I want to hide everything regarding the creation of our "models" and "viewmodels".
I have seen much of the fancy stuff regarding Dependency Injection aswellas well as Action Filters, Custom Controllers and so on! But the people I work with are pretty new to this so I want it to keep it dead simple, but I still want to avoid all the new statement and keep the controller really lightweight.
So please adwisePlease advise me if I'm doing this the wrong way, and be constructive I'm asking for advise and help not flaming ;).
Factory Class
public class Factory
public T BuildViewModel<T>() where T : class, new()
IViewModel<T> iVmInterf = (IViewModel<T>)Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
return iVmInterf.getViewModel();
IViewModel InterFace
interface IViewModel<T>
T getViewModel();
interface IProductViewModel
interface IProductViewModel
int ProductCost { get; }
string ProductName { get; }
class ProductViewModel
class ProductViewModel : IViewModel<ProductViewModel>, IProductViewModel
private int _productCost;
private string _productName;
private IProductViewModel interf;
int IProductViewModel.ProductCost
get { return _productCost; }
string IProductViewModel.ProductName
get { return _productName; }
ProductViewModel IViewModel<ProductViewModel>.getViewModel()
return this;
Usage in controller
Factory fact = new Factory();
IProductViewModel vmdl = fact.BuildViewModel<ProductViewModel>();