is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board with an indexer byrow
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? this [int row, int column] { get; set; } }
(really, you don't need anything else in
)The implementation is trivial:
class Board : IBoard { Player? [,] _cells; public int Size { get { return _cells.GetLength (0); } } public Board (int size) { _cells = new Player? [size, size]; } public Player? this [int row, int column] { get { return _cells [row, column]; } set { if (_cells [row, column].HasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The cell is already claimed."); _cells [row, column] = value; } } }
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board [move.Item1, move.Item2] = player; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board with an indexer byrow
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? this [int row, int column] { get; set; } }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board [move.Item1, move.Item2] = player; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board with an indexer byrow
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? this [int row, int column] { get; set; } }
(really, you don't need anything else in
)The implementation is trivial:
class Board : IBoard { Player? [,] _cells; public int Size { get { return _cells.GetLength (0); } } public Board (int size) { _cells = new Player? [size, size]; } public Player? this [int row, int column] { get { return _cells [row, column]; } set { if (_cells [row, column].HasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The cell is already claimed."); _cells [row, column] = value; } } }
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board [move.Item1, move.Item2] = player; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board with an indexer byGetCellrow
, andSetCellcolumn
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? GetCellthis (int[int row, int column); void SetCell (int row,column] int{ column,get; Playerset; player);} }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row[row, column);column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row[row, column);column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board.GetCell (row[row, column);column]; } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board.SetCell (move[move.Item1, move.Item2,Item2] player);= player; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board withGetCell
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? GetCell (int row, int column); void SetCell (int row, int column, Player player); }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board.SetCell (move.Item1, move.Item2, player); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board with an indexer byrow
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? this [int row, int column] { get; set; } }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board [row, column]; } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board [move.Item1, move.Item2] = player; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
I re-wrotere-wrote my earlier toy Tic Tac Toe implementation specifically to address your question, with the following separation:
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board withGetCell
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? GetCell (int row, int column); void SetCell (int row, int column, Player player); }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board.SetCell (move.Item1, move.Item2, player); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
I re-wrote my earlier toy Tic Tac Toe implementation specifically to address your question, with the following separation:
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board withGetCell
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? GetCell (int row, int column); void SetCell (int row, int column, Player player); }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { Console.WriteLine ("Bad move."); } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board.SetCell (move.Item1, move.Item2, player); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }
I re-wrote my earlier toy Tic Tac Toe implementation specifically to address your question, with the following separation:
is a simple enum:enum Player { X, O }
represents a board withGetCell
.interface IBoard { int Size { get; } Player? GetCell (int row, int column); void SetCell (int row, int column, Player player); }
(really, you don't need anything else in
has a single method that scans the board to find the winner, similarly to yours:interface IBoardAnalyzer { Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board); }
All the actual heavy-lifting for scanning the board lives in
that can enumerate board rows, columns and diagonals. There is also an über-method calledSelectAllLines
that returns a sequence of all “lines” (rows, columns and diagonals) on the board. Note thatBoardExtensions
does no analysis; it only provides convenience methods for extracting data out ofBoard
.static class BoardExtensions { public enum DiagonalKind { Primary, Secondary } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllLines (this IBoard board) { return board.SelectAllDiagonals () .Concat (board.SelectAllRows ()) .Concat (board.SelectAllColumns ()); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllRows (this IBoard board) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectRow (row); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllColumns (this IBoard board) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.SelectColumn (column); } public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Player?>> SelectAllDiagonals (this IBoard board) { return from kind in new [] { DiagonalKind.Primary, DiagonalKind.Secondary } select board.SelectDiagonal (kind); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectRow (this IBoard board, int row) { return from column in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectColumn (this IBoard board, int column) { return from row in board.SelectIndices () select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<Player?> SelectDiagonal (this IBoard board, DiagonalKind kind) { return from index in board.SelectIndices () let row = index let column = (kind == DiagonalKind.Primary) ? index : board.Size - 1 - index select board.GetCell (row, column); } public static IEnumerable<int> SelectIndices (this IBoard board) { return Enumerable.Range (0, board.Size); } }
The implementation for
to find the winner, but in itself is trivial:class BoardAnalyzer : IBoardAnalyzer { public Player? DetermineWinner (IBoard board) { return ( from line in board.SelectAllLines () let winner = DetermineLineWinner (line) where winner.HasValue select winner ).FirstOrDefault (); } static Player? DetermineLineWinner (IEnumerable<Player?> line) { try { return line.Distinct ().Single (); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } } }
Finally, I implemented an IO which has a simple interface:
interface IGameIO { Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board); void DisplayError (GameError error); void DisplayWinner (Player player); }
And just as simple implementation:
class ConsoleGameIO : IGameIO { public Tuple<int, int> AskNextMove (Player player, IBoard board) { Console.WriteLine ("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine ("{0}, what is your move?\n", FormatPlayer (player)); Console.WriteLine (FormatBoard (board)); Console.Write ("\nType A1 to C3: ", FormatPlayer (player)); return ParseMove (Console.ReadLine ().Trim ().ToUpperInvariant ()); } public void DisplayError (GameError error) { switch (error) { case GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move: cell is already occupied."); break; case GameError.CouldNotParseMove: Console.WriteLine ("Bad move. Valid moves are A1 to C3."); break; default: Console.WriteLine ("Something went wrong."); break; } } public void DisplayWinner (Player player) { Console.WriteLine ("Congatulations, {0}! You won.", FormatPlayer (player)); } static string FormatBoard (IBoard board) { return string.Join ("\n", from row in board.SelectAllRows () select FormatRow (row)); } static string FormatRow (IEnumerable<Player?> row) { return string.Join ("|", from cell in row select FormatCell (cell)); } static string FormatPlayer (Player player) { return FormatCell (player); } static string FormatCell (Player? cell) { return cell.HasValue ? cell.Value.ToString () : "_"; } static Tuple<int, int> ParseMove (string input) { return Tuple.Create ( input [0] - 'A', input [1] - '1' ); } }
Finally, there goes the
class with the run loop andMain
method:class Game { IBoard board; IBoardAnalyzer analyzer; IGameIO io; public Game (IBoard board, IBoardAnalyzer analyzer, IGameIO io) { this.board = board; this.analyzer = analyzer; = io; } public void Run () { Player player = Player.X; Player? winner = null; do { Tuple<int, int> move; try { move = io.AskNextMove (player, board); } catch { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } if (!ValidateMove (move)) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CouldNotParseMove); continue; } try { board.SetCell (move.Item1, move.Item2, player); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { io.DisplayError (GameError.CellAlreadyOccupied); continue; } player = GetNextPlayer (player); winner = analyzer.DetermineWinner (board); } while (!winner.HasValue); io.DisplayWinner (winner.Value); } bool ValidateMove (Tuple<int, int> move) { return (move.Item1 >= 0 && move.Item1 < board.Size) && (move.Item2 >= 0 && move.Item2 < board.Size); } static Player GetNextPlayer (Player player) { switch (player) { case Player.X: return Player.O; case Player.O: return Player.X; default: throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public static void Main (string[] args) { var game = new Game (new Board (3), new BoardAnalyzer (), new ConsoleGameIO ()); game.Run (); } }