In the _form_form
partial I have a rather complicated logic which builds necessary options for input fields:
- input_html_params = dynamic_settings_select_options('#service-settings', settings_aps_instance_services_path(parent))
= simple_form_for [:aps, parent, resource] do |f|
= f.input :service_status, :as => :readonly_label
= f.input :meta_service_meta_id, :collection => parent.meta_services, :value_method => :meta_id, :label_method => :name, :input_html => input_html_params
= f.button :submit
The first problem which I see here is getting input_html_params
to pass them into input of meta_service_meta_id
because it already has a lot of parameters. Even this didn't help us to avoid long string to pass all parameters. What is best practice to avoid this complicity?
As you can see, extracting them to helper methods doesn't solve this problem, so I would like to hear something new.