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Checks Checking if a git repository needneeds to be updated

I made a small Vim distribution that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the code:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found out how to do it better. I'm open to advice.


Checks if a git repository need to be updated

I made a small Vim distribution that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the code:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found how to do better. I'm open to advice.


Checking if a git repository needs to be updated

I made a small Vim distribution that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated.

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found out how to do it better. I'm open to advice.

Added vimscript tag. Tried to make sense of the first sentence.
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I made a small Vim distribution some it's very basic, that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the resultcode:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found how to do better. I'm open to advice.


I made a small Vim distribution some it's very basic, that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the result:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found how to do better. I'm open to advice.


I made a small Vim distribution that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the code:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found how to do better. I'm open to advice.


Source Link

Checks if a git repository need to be updated

I made a small Vim distribution some it's very basic, that uses vundle. I decided to make a small function that checks if the repository must be updated. Here is the result:

"Update the repository
"A function to update if necessary
function! Get_update()
    "Get the current path and change the directory to update the good
    let l:current_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
    let l:path = '~/.vim-mahewin-repository'
    exec 'cd' l:path

    let l:last_local_commit = system('git rev-parse HEAD')
    let l:last_remote_comit = system('git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1')

    if l:last_local_commit != l:last_remote_comit
        echo  'Need to be updated, launches updated'
        :!git pull `git remote` `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`

    exec 'cd' l:current_path

It's not very nice, but I have not found how to do better. I'm open to advice.
