Also, I'm trying to make a function which takes the list and randomizes the node order. Any suggestions for how this can be done?
EDIT: code revision with some additional functionality
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef bool;
#define false 0
#define true 1
typedef struct node {
int value;
struct node *next;
} node;
// Initialize list with input value
node* create_list(int input)
node* ptr = malloc(sizeof(*ptr));
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
ptr -> value = input;
ptr -> next = NULL;
return ptr;
// Add input value to the end of the list
node* add_to_end(node* head, int input)
node* ptr = malloc(sizeof(*ptr));
node* temp = head;
// If there is not yet a list, initialize the list with the input value
if (head == NULL)
return create_list(input);
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
ptr -> value = input;
ptr -> next = NULL;
// Find the last element of the list
while (temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
// Add new node to the end of the list
temp->next = ptr;
ptr = head;
return ptr;
// Add input value to the head of the list
node* add_to_front(node* head, int input)
node* ptr = malloc(sizeof(*ptr));
// If there is not yet a list, initialize the list with the input value
if (head == NULL)
return create_list(input);
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
ptr -> value = input;
ptr -> next = head; // Point next value to the previous head
head = ptr;
return ptr;
// Add an input value at a user-specified index location in the list (starting from 0 index)
node* add_to_list(node* head, int input, int index)
node* ptr_prev = head;
node* temp = NULL; // Temperary node to hold leading values
int index_track = 0; // Used to track current index
// Check that list exists before adding it in
if (head == NULL)
if (index == 0) // Create new list if 0 index is specified
ptr_prev = add_to_front(ptr_prev, input);
return ptr_prev;
return NULL;
//Go through list -- stop at item before insertion point
while (ptr_prev != NULL)
if (index == 0) // Use add_to_front function if user-specified index is 0 (the head of the list)
ptr_prev = add_to_front(ptr_prev, input);
return ptr_prev;
if ((index_track + 1) == index)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr_prev->value);
ptr_prev = ptr_prev ->next;
temp = add_to_end(temp, input); // Temporary node now contains all leading + new input value
// Join leading + following nodes remaining in ptr_prev
while (ptr_prev != NULL)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr_prev->value);
ptr_prev = ptr_prev ->next;
ptr_prev = temp;
return ptr_prev;
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr_prev->value);
ptr_prev = ptr_prev ->next;
// Verify if the list contains an input value and return a true/false value
bool search_list(node* head, int input)
node* ptr = head;
node* temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
bool found = false;
// Search if value exists in the list
while (ptr != NULL)
if(ptr->value == input)
found = true;
temp = ptr;
ptr = ptr ->next;
return found;
// Remove the an input value from the list (either first instance of the value or every instance of value)
node* remove_from_list(node* head, int input, bool single_instance)
bool instance = true; // Determines whether to remove one or every instance of value
node* ptr = head;
node* prev = NULL;
node* temp = NULL;
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
while (instance)
// Remove single instance of value
while (ptr != NULL)
// Delete the input value
if (ptr->value == input)
// Case 1: Remove head value
if (prev == NULL)
head = ptr->next;
ptr = head;
// Case 2: Remove end value
else if (ptr->next == NULL)
ptr = temp;
// Case 3: Remove middle value
ptr = ptr->next;
while(ptr != NULL)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr->value);
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr = temp;
prev = ptr; // previous list starting from one item before value to be deleted
temp = add_to_end(temp, prev->value);
ptr = ptr ->next;
if (single_instance) // Only remove single instance if specified true in input
instance = false;
instance = search_list(ptr, input); // Check if there are more instances of value to be removed
prev = NULL;
temp = NULL;
return ptr;
// Remove a specific index from the list
node* remove_index(node* head, int index)
int count = 0; // Iteration count
node* ptr = head;
node* prev = NULL;
node* temp = NULL;
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;
while (ptr != NULL)
// Delete the index value
if (count == index)
// Case 1: Remove head value
if (prev == NULL)
head = ptr->next;
ptr = head;
// Case 2: Remove end value
else if (ptr->next == NULL)
ptr = temp;
// Case 3: Remove middle value
ptr = ptr->next;
while(ptr != NULL)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr->value);
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr = temp;
prev = ptr; // previous list starting from one item before value to be deleted
temp = add_to_end(temp, prev->value);
ptr = ptr ->next;
return ptr;
// Reverse the order of the list
node* reverse_list(node* head)
node* reverse = NULL;
node* next = NULL;
node* ptr = head;
if (head == NULL)
return NULL;
while (ptr != NULL)
next = ptr ->next; // Holds the remaining items in the original list
ptr ->next = reverse; // List now points to items in reversed list
reverse = ptr; // Reversed list set equal to the List
ptr = next; // List re-pointed back to hold list
ptr = reverse;
return ptr;
// Change the value of a node
node* changeValue(node* head, int index, int newValue)
node* ptr = head;
node* temp = NULL;
int index_track = 0;
while (ptr != NULL)
if (index == 0)
ptr->value = newValue;
if (index_track + 1 == index)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr->value);
ptr = ptr ->next;
ptr->value = newValue;
while(ptr != NULL)
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr->value);
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr = temp;
temp = add_to_end(temp, ptr->value);
ptr = ptr->next;
return ptr;
// Find the value of a node
int nodeValue(node* head, int index)
node* ptr = head;
int index_track = 0;
while (ptr != NULL)
if (index_track == index)
return ptr->value;
ptr = ptr->next;
++ index_track;
return NULL; // Return NULL if there is no value at specified index
// Swap two nodes
node* swap(node* head, int index1, int index2)
node* ptr = head;
int val1, val2;
// Obtain values at each index
val1 = nodeValue(ptr, index1);
val2 = nodeValue(ptr, index2);
// Change the values of each node
ptr = changeValue(ptr, index1, val2);
ptr = changeValue(ptr, index2, val1);
return ptr;
// Print the list to the console
void print_list(node* head)
node* ptr = head;
while (ptr != NULL)
printf("%d\n", ptr->value);
ptr = ptr->next;
I would appreciate if anyone could look at my new code. Also, now that I've created these functions, how do I call them from other files in my program (using Visual Studio 2010)?