This review is looking only at the "ConnectionBufferMongo" class. This is derived from "ThorsSocket::SocketStreamBuffer" which is an implementation of std::streambuf that works with TCP/IP sockets. This provides some protected helper methods:
- writeToStream(): Write to underlying stream (track written amount)
- getSocket(): Gets the underlying socket so you can read without tracking.
- getSocket().getMessageData(): Blocking read.
- getSocket().tryGetMessageData(): Non Blocking read.
- reserveOutputSize(): Makes sure the output buffer has at least n bytes
- reserveInputSize(): Makes sure the input buffer has at least n bytes
#include "ThorsMongoConfig.h"
#include "MongoUtil.h"
#include "ThorsSocket/SocketStreamBuffer.h"
#include "ThorsCrypto/crc.h"
namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo
class ConnectionBufferMongo: public ThorsSocket::SocketStreamBuffer
using traits = std::streambuf::traits_type;
using int_type = traits::int_type;
using char_type = traits::char_type;
using Checksum = ThorsAnvil::Crypto::CRC32C_Checksum;
std::uint32_t inMessageSize = 0;
std::uint32_t outMessageSize = 0;
std::uint32_t underflowNeeds = 1;
std::uint32_t outMessagePlaced = 0; // Used to make sure we get the bytes indicating message size.
bool useCompressionOnWrite = false;
using SocketStreamBuffer::SocketStreamBuffer;
ConnectionBufferMongo(ConnectionBufferMongo&& move) noexcept;
void setCompressionOnWrite(bool comp = true) {useCompressionOnWrite = comp;}
virtual int_type underflow() override;
virtual std::streamsize xsgetn(char_type* dest, std::streamsize count) override;
virtual int_type overflow(int_type ch = traits::eof()) override;
virtual std::streamsize xsputn(char_type const* source, std::streamsize count) override;
virtual int sync() override;
std::uint32_t messageRetrievedSize() const {return egptr() - eback();}
std::uint32_t messageReadSize() const {return gptr() - eback();}
std::uint32_t missingData() const {return inMessageSize - messageRetrievedSize();}
std::uint32_t availableData() const {return egptr() - gptr();}
#include "ConnectionBufferMongo.h"
#include "snappy.h"
using namespace ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo;
ConnectionBufferMongo::ConnectionBufferMongo(ConnectionBufferMongo&& move) noexcept
: SocketStreamBuffer(std::move(move))
, inMessageSize(std::exchange(move.inMessageSize, 0))
, outMessageSize(std::exchange(move.outMessageSize, 0))
, underflowNeeds(std::exchange(move.underflowNeeds, 0))
, outMessagePlaced(std::exchange(move.outMessagePlaced, 0))
ConnectionBufferMongo::int_type ConnectionBufferMongo::underflow()
* Ensures that at least one character is available in the input area by updating the pointers
* to the input area (if needed) * and reading more data in from the input sequence
* (if applicable).
* Returns the value of that character (converted to int_type with Traits::to_int_type(c)) on success
* or Traits::eof() on failure.
* The function may update gptr, egptr and eback pointers to define the location of newly
* loaded data (if any).
* On failure, the function ensures that either gptr() == nullptr or gptr() == egptr.
* The base class version of the function does nothing. The derived classes may override this function
* to allow updates to the get area in the case of exhaustion.
if (gptr() == egptr())
std::size_t newDataCount = 0;
// Check to see if we are in the middle of reading a message.
if ((gptr() - eback()) == inMessageSize)
// So we are reading a new message.
// ================================
// We are about to reset the eback(), gptr(), egptr()
// The "SocketStreamBuffer" requires we record the amount of data that was read so
// we can keep track of the amount of the input position correctly.
// Set the buffer back to empty.
setg(eback(), eback(), eback());
inMessageSize = 0;
// The message header is 4 std::uint32_t objects.
// Force the read of the whole header block this will give us size information in the
// first 4 bytes and the OpCode in the last 4 bytes.
// If the OpCode is OP_Compress then we need to read the full message to decompress.
ThorsSocket::IOData result = getSocket().getMessageData(egptr(), kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize);
newDataCount += result.dataSize;
if (newDataCount != kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Failed to get next message header: Got: ", newDataCount);
return traits::eof();
// Yes I know this looks risky.
// Alignment comment.
// The underlying streambuffer guarantees that the beginning of the read buffer "eback()"
// is aligned to alignof(std::max_align_t). This means that the buffer is aligned for
// all alignment types.
// Details: See: 6.7.6 Alignment [basic.align]
OpMsgHeader* headerInfo = reinterpret_cast<OpMsgHeader*>(eback());
if (headerInfo->opCode == OpCode::OP_COMPRESSED)
getSocket().getMessageData(egptr() + kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize, kSizeOpCompressedMessage);
// See: "Alignment comment" above
OpCompressedBlock* message = reinterpret_cast<OpCompressedBlock*>(eback());
if (message->compression != Compression::Snappy)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Failed to uncompress. Only support snappy compression. Compression: ", static_cast<unsigned int>(messag
return traits::eof();
// Retrieve the compressed data into a separate buffer.
std::uint32_t compressMessageSize = message->messageSize - kSizeOpCompressedBlock;
std::vector<char> compressedData;
getSocket().getMessageData(&compressedData[0], compressMessageSize);
// Fix the message header with the uncompressed info.
message->messageSize = kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize + message->uncompressedSize;
message->opCode = message->originalOpCode;
// Add the uncompressed data to the underlying buffer.
bool suc = snappy::RawUncompress(&compressedData[0], compressMessageSize, eback() + kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize);
if (!suc)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Failed to uncompress data with snappy");
return traits::eof();
inMessageSize = message->messageSize;
newDataCount = inMessageSize;
else if (headerInfo->opCode == OpCode::OP_MSG)
inMessageSize = headerInfo->messageSize;
// Make sure the buffer has enough space for the whole message.
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Unknown message opCode: ", static_cast<unsigned int>(headerInfo->opCode));
return traits::eof();
setg(eback(), gptr(), egptr() + newDataCount);
std::size_t extraData = 0;
// See: "Alignment comment" above
OpMsgBlock* messageBlock = reinterpret_cast<OpMsgBlock*>(eback());
// We now have at least the Message header block. So we know the message size.
std::size_t maxAvailableData = inMessageSize - messageReadSize();
if (underflowNeeds > maxAvailableData)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Should never need to read more bytes than in the message! Message Size: ", inMessageSize, "already read: ", (gp
return traits::eof();
// Try and read as much of the message as we can (whole message in one go if possible).
// But we may not need everything so don't block if it is not available.
// Note this read could be zero sized if we just read a compressed block.
if (missingData() != 0)
ThorsSocket::IOData result = getSocket().tryGetMessageData(egptr(), missingData());
newDataCount += result.dataSize;
extraData += result.dataSize;
// If we still don't have enough data to satisfy the underlying request
// Then we need to block and wait until we have it.
if (newDataCount < underflowNeeds && result.stillOpen)
// Must get at least 'underflowNeeds' bytes.
// So if not enough data was retrieved read blocking until we have data or there is an error
result = getSocket().getMessageData(egptr(), (underflowNeeds - newDataCount));
newDataCount += result.dataSize;
extraData += result.dataSize;
if (newDataCount < underflowNeeds)
"Should never need to read more bytes than in the message! Message Size: ",
" requested bytes: ",
return traits::eof();
setg(eback(), gptr(), egptr() + extraData);
if (missingData() == 0 && messageBlock->flags & OP_MsgFlag::checksumPresent)
// Calculate the expected checksum.
Checksum checksum;
checksum.append(std::string_view(eback(), inMessageSize - kSizeUInt32));
std::uint32_t checksumValue = checksum.checksum();
// Retrieve the checksum provided on the stream.
std::uint32_t checksumFromStream;
std::copy(egptr() - kSizeUInt32, egptr(), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&checksumFromStream));
// XOR the two values.
// Put that back on the stream.
// The next level up will then see a zero as success and anything else as failure.
std::uint32_t check = checksumValue ^ checksumFromStream;
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&check), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&check) + kSizeUInt32, egptr() - kSizeUInt32);
if (check != 0)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "underflow", "Checksum does not match expected checksum");
return gptr() == egptr() ? traits::eof() : traits::to_int_type(*gptr());
// Used by `xsgetn` to set the "underflowNeeds" value but
// put it back to the original value after the call to underflow().
struct UnderflowCountSetter
std::uint32_t& underflowNeeds;
UnderflowCountSetter(std::uint32_t& underflowNeeds, std::uint32_t value)
: underflowNeeds(underflowNeeds)
underflowNeeds = value;
underflowNeeds = 1;
std::streamsize ConnectionBufferMongo::xsgetn(char_type* dest, std::streamsize count)
* Reads count characters from the input sequence and stores them into a character array pointed to by dest.
* The characters are read as if by repeated calls to sbumpc().
* That is, if less than count characters are immediately available, the function calls uflow() to
* provide more until traits::eof() is returned. Classes derived from std::basic_streambuf are permitted
* to provide more efficient implementations of this function.
// Check to see if the request is a valid length.
// Note: If messageLeft == 0 then we can go to the next message.
std::uint32_t messageLeft = inMessageSize - messageReadSize();
if (messageLeft != 0 && count > messageLeft)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "xsgetn", "Can not read more data than left in the message: requested: ", count, " data left: ", messageLeft);
return 0;
// See how much we have locally in the buffer.
std::streamsize currentBufferSize = availableData();
if (currentBufferSize < count)
UnderflowCountSetter set(underflowNeeds, (count - currentBufferSize));
if (underflow() == traits::eof())
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "xsgetn", "Underflow failed to retrieve enough data");
return 0;
currentBufferSize = egptr() - gptr();
std::uint32_t readable = std::min(count, currentBufferSize);
std::copy(gptr(), gptr() + readable, dest);
return readable;
ConnectionBufferMongo::int_type ConnectionBufferMongo::overflow(int_type ch)
if (ch == traits::eof()) {
return traits_type::to_int_type('a');
// Should not call overflow when message size is not zero.
// Writes fill up the buffer. Then sync() will send the data
// out to the stream and reset outMessageSize to zero.
if (outMessageSize != 0)
"Unexpected call to overflow. The outMessageSize is set and we reservered space. outMessageSize: ",
outMessageSize, " Buffer: [pbase(): " , pbase(), " pptr(): " , pptr(), " epptr: ", epptr(), "]");
return traits::eof();
// There may be multiple calls to overflow until we have the size of the buffer stored.
pbase()[outMessagePlaced] = ch;
if (outMessagePlaced == kSizeUInt32)
std::copy(pbase(), pbase() + kSizeUInt32, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&outMessageSize));
if (outMessageSize < kSizeSmallestPossibleMessage)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "overflow", "Minimum message size is 26 bytes.");
return traits::eof();
// OK. So we have the message size.
// Make sure we have enough space for the message and set up the buffer.
setp(pbase(), pbase() + outMessageSize);
return ch;
std::streamsize ConnectionBufferMongo::xsputn(char_type const* source, std::streamsize count)
* Writes count characters to the output sequence from the character array whose first element is pointed to by source.
* The characters are written as if by repeated calls to sputc().
* Writing stops when either count characters are written or a call to sputc() would have returned Traits::eof().
* If the put area becomes full (pptr() == epptr()), this function may call overflow(),
* or achieve the effect of calling overflow() by some other, unspecified, means.
std::size_t sizeCount = 0;
while (outMessageSize == 0 && outMessagePlaced < kSizeUInt32)
if (overflow(source[sizeCount]) == traits::eof()) {
return 0;
std::streamsize spaceInBuffer = epptr() - pptr();
if (count > spaceInBuffer)
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "xsputn", "Failed to put data in buffer as it was not large enough. ExtraSpaceneeded: ", (count - spaceInBuffer));
return 0;
// Put everything in the buffer.
// We don't write until we have the complete message.
// This is because we may want to compress the buffer before sending (most Mongo servers support this).
std::copy(source + sizeCount, source + count, pptr() + sizeCount);
return count;
int ConnectionBufferMongo::sync()
if (pptr() != epptr())
ThorsLogCritical("ThorsAnvil::DB::Mongo::MessageBasedConnectionBuffer", "sync", "unexpected sync! The buffer is not yet full");
return -1;
OpMsgBlock* messageBlock = reinterpret_cast<OpMsgBlock*>(pbase());
if (messageBlock->flags & OP_MsgFlag::checksumPresent)
// The checksum pushed by the user is simply overwritten.
// There is no way for them to calculate the info so the expectation is that they write
// a 32 bit value and the end of the message. See Op_Msg
Checksum checksum;
checksum.append(std::string_view(pbase(), outMessageSize - kSizeUInt32));
std::uint32_t checksumValue = checksum.checksum();
std::copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&checksumValue), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&checksumValue) + kSizeUInt32, epptr() - kSizeUInt32);
if (useCompressionOnWrite)
std::string output;
std::uint32_t objectToCompressSize = (pptr() - pbase()) - kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize;
snappy::Compress(pbase() + kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize, objectToCompressSize, &output);
OpCompressedBlock compressedMessageHeader;
// Get a copy of the original header
std::copy(pbase(), pbase() + kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&compressedMessageHeader));
// Now convert that to a compressed message header.
compressedMessageHeader.originalOpCode = compressedMessageHeader.opCode;
compressedMessageHeader.opCode = OpCode::OP_COMPRESSED;
compressedMessageHeader.uncompressedSize = compressedMessageHeader.messageSize - kSizeOpMsgHeaderSize;
compressedMessageHeader.compression = Compression::Snappy;
compressedMessageHeader.messageSize = kSizeOpCompressedBlock + output.size();
// output the compressed message.
writeToStream(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(&compressedMessageHeader), kSizeOpCompressedBlock);
writeToStream(&output[0], output.size());
// output the normal message
writeToStream(pbase(), epptr() - pbase());
outMessageSize = 0;
outMessagePlaced = 0;
setp(pbase(), pbase());
return 0;