Edit July 31 23:07UTC
Why would I write the function to take a buffer instead of allocating the string inside the function?
Returning dynamically allocated strings works fine. And if the memory is later freed there is no problem. But writing this sort of function is a great way to leak memory, for example if the caller doesn't know the memory must be freed or forgets to free memory, or even if he frees it in the main path but forgets to free it in other paths etc.
Memory leaks in a desktop applications might not be fatal, but leaks in an embedded system will lead eventually to failure. This can be serious, depending upon the system involved. In many embedded systems, dynamic allocation is often not allowed or is at least best avoided.
Although it certainly is common not to know the size of strings or buffers at compile time, the opposite is also often true. It is often possible to write code with fixed buffer sizes. I always prefer this option if possible so I would be reluctant to use your allocating function. Perhaps it is better to add a wrapper to a non-allocating function for those cases where you really must allocate dynamically (for example when the random string has to outlive the calling context):
char* rand_string_alloc(size_t size)
char *s = malloc(size + 1);
if (s) {
rand_string(s, size);
return s;