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This is an actual work problem we had to solve. Put simply: given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dicionarydictionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value. In spite of the simple phrasing, .

This is an actual work problem we had to solve. Put simply: given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dicionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value. In spite of the simple phrasing, .

This is an actual work problem we had to solve. Put simply: given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dictionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value.

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Notice /items//discount has two slashes in the middle. Slashes represent going deeper one level within the structure.

Notice /items//discount has two slashes in the middle. Slashes represent going deeper within the structure.

Notice /items//discount has two slashes in the middle. Slashes represent going deeper one level within the structure.

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GivenThis is an actual work problem we had to solve. Put simply: given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dicionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value. In spite of the simple phrasing, this is an actual work problem we had to solve.

Given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dicionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value. In spite of the simple phrasing, this is an actual work problem we had to solve.

This is an actual work problem we had to solve. Put simply: given a structure (e.g. nested dictionaries) and a mapping of old dicionary keys to new ones, produce a new structure that is anatomically identical to the original, uses the new dictionary keys, and preservers every other value. In spite of the simple phrasing, .

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clarification, based on comments
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deleted 51 characters in body
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added 403 characters in body
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