The benchmark is flawed because the iterative version is doing too much
work. Iterative BFS/DFS has an elegant simplicity once your get your mind
wrapped around its core idea. Your implementation, by contrast, is fairly
complex and, at least for me, unintuitive. The complexity comes from managing,
mutating, and resetting the state variables, especially sequence
, as you go from level to level. Those repeated mutations slow things
Classic BFS/DFS. A typical implementation, by contrast, avoids the need to
worry about resetting the status variables. Instead, it uses a queue/stack to
hold independent copies of the state. The queue/stack functions as a TODO list.
What goes into the TODO? The arguments that you would have passed recursively (there's a reason they call it a "call stack").
You must take care not to mutate those variables. Only the queue/stack is
def traverse_iterative(S, item):
if S:
# Initialize the TODO list.
stack = [(S, [])]
while stack:
# Get the next data to check.
xs, indices = stack.pop()
for i, x in enumerate(xs):
if x == item:
# Success.
return (indices + [i], len(indices))
elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
# Add it to the TODO list.
stack.append((x, indices + [i]))
return ([], -1)
Benchmark. That function runs generally the same speed has your recursive
function on my computer (0.152 vs 0.151, using your scenario). One could fuss
around with details on both functions to squeeze out some more performance (for
example, the edits shown below speed up the recursive function a small bit),
but I'm mostly bored by that sort of thing.
Code review stuff. Your recursive implementation is reasonable and easy to
understand. Just a few suggestions. (1) Define a failed search constant rather
than hardcoding it in three places. (2) Iterate directly over Python
collections, rather than iterating over the collection's indexes (and if you
also need indexes, use enumerate
). (3) Use isinstance()
to check the type.
(4) Very few Python programmers use for-else, because it's not intuitive (does
"else" mean that the loop was broken or not, and are there any other tricky
details I need to remember?), so just do the normal thing and put the failed
return statement after the loop. And even if you find the for-else structure
really handy in some circumstances (I never have), the current case isn't one
them, because you never break the loop.
def traverse_recursive(S, item, indices=[]):
FAIL = ([], -1)
if S:
for i, x in enumerate(S):
if x == item:
return (indices + [i], len(indices))
elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
testCall = traverse_recursive(x, item, indices + [i])
if testCall != FAIL:
return testCall
return FAIL