The below is to parse a lisp expression (doing as much as possible in 'one go'). How does it look, and what can be improved?
# goal: capture the next token then get the rest of the line
# to be used in a while-loop/yield
tokenizer = re.compile(r"""
\s* # any amount of whitespace...
# 1. capture group one: token
,@ # special token ,@ ...
|[(),`'] # or ) ( , ' ` ...
|"(?:[^\\"]*(?:\\.)*)*" # or match on string (unrolling the loop)...
|;.* # or comment-anything...
|[^\s('"`,;)]* # or non-special...
# 2. capture group two: rest-of-line
""", re.VERBOSE)
Example linerun (python):
line = '(define (square x) (* x x))'
while line:
token, line = tokenizer.match(line).groups()
print (token)
For example, the first time it runs it should return:
, define (square x) (* x x))