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I got this answer here:

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

and my problem is this:

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

I got this answer here:

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

and my problem is this:

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

I got this answer here:

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

and my problem is this:

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

I got this answer here:

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

and my problem is this:

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

I got this answer here:

Suppose you have loaded the lisBox1 with objects of type Genre.

lisBox1.Datasource = this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles();
lisBox1.DisplayMember = "Genre";

Add an event to SelectionChanged of your lstBox1 :

lstBox1.SelectionChanged += lstBox1_SelectionChanged;

And then in this event, filter the data for listbox2 :

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = m_allMovies;
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

m_allMovies is a list of all the movies you have loaded from your textfiles.
You can also read your text file every time the user clicked a different genre, it will consume less memory but more CPU:

void lstBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles();
    var genre = lstBox1.SelectedItem as Genre;
    if(genre != null)
        movies = movies.Where(m => m.Genre == genre.Genre).ToList();
    lstbox2.Datasource = movies;

The keypoint here is not to filter row from the Listbox. You must think of it as your Listbox contains a subset of all your movies.
And each time you want to add or remove rows from a Listbox, in fact you are reloading it with appropriate datas.

and my problem is this:

With the first 2 lines of code (At the top of the answer), where would i place this (I'm new to C# so .Datasource & DisplayMember are new things to me). Also where you have "this.GetAllGenresFromTextFiles" (and the same for var movies = this.GetAllMoviesFromTextFiles) --> would i place the location of my text file within the brackets?

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