In the process of learning JavaScript, I built a Google Chrome extension. It works but as I am adding more features the code is quickly getting duplicated, so I'm looking for ways to improve it.
The buttonIf you run the code snippet and click CREATE
, an alert shows the resultJSON that I need to sendwill be sent to the serverbackend.
The JSON represents a project containing: a name, a type, and a boolean "isPrivate". The project_type
is a lowercase string with this format: language-[build tool]-[framework]. For example: languagejava-build toolgradle-frameworkspringboot
. For example: java-gradle-springboot.
Every project has a name, a language and a boolean "isPrivate" or simply java
. Other fields dependsDepending on the language, a project can have additional fields.
My plan is to add more languages and configurations. Any comments are welcome, thank you!
Side note: you can download Codestrap here if you want. It creates a project in your GitHub repo and opens it in Gitpod.
I developed it because after some time on Stack Overflow answering questions I wantedMy plan is to: add more languages and configurations. Any comments are welcome.
- quickly start up a dev project to test my answer (less than 3 clicks)
- do everything in the browser ( is cool but adding frameworks is not straightforward)
Besides that, can be used to play around with new languagesThe complete extension is available here. It creates a project in your GitHub repo and frameworksopens it in Gitpod.