A more pythonic method for that last for
loop would be to use nested list comprehensions. It's likely faster, as well:
[item for sublist in [[x.real, x.imag] for x in answer] for item in sublist]
See this question for details about what's happening here, if you're not already familiar with list comprehensions.
In other words, instead of these four lines:
export[q-1, 0] = q
for _ in range(len(answer)):
export[q-1, 2*_+1] = answer[_].real
export[q-1, 2*(_+1)] = answer[_].imag
You could write this:
line = [q]
line.extend([item for sublist in [[x.real, x.imag] for x in answer] for item in sublist])
export[q-1] = line