I have written a program in Java 8 using BlueJ. There is just one function of type byte that accepts two String values and return 1 if the first word comes before the second in alphabetical order, and return -1 if the first word comes after the second in alphabetical order, and 0 if both are equivalent strings. I would welcome any suggestions on how to make my code faster and more readable.
public class Test
public static byte spaceshipAlphabetical (String str1, String str2)
int str1Length = str1.length();
int str2Length = str2.length();
int strLength;
(str1Length < str2Length)
str2 = str2.substring(0, str1Length);
strLength = str1.length();
str1 = str1.substring(0, str2Length);
strLength = str2.length();
str1 = str1.toUpperCase();
str2 = str2.toUpperCase();
char charStr1, charStr2;
int intChar1 = 0, intChar2 = 0;
(int i = 0; i < strLength; i++)
charStr1 = str1.charAt(i);
charStr2 = str2.charAt(i);
intChar1 = (int) charStr1;
intChar2 = (int) charStr2;
((intChar1 < intChar2) || (intChar2 < intChar1) || ((intChar2 == intChar1) && (i == (strLength - 1))))
((intChar1 < intChar2) || ((intChar2 == intChar1) && (str1Length < str2Length)))
return 1;
else if
((intChar2 < intChar1) || ((intChar2 == intChar1) && (str2Length < str1Length)))
return -1;
return 0;