I have a page with a list of items. Items have several actions assigned to them. (see screenshot).
One may choose to directly click on an icon next to each row or check a checkbox on the left hand side and click action above the list.
The issue is that after clicking an item OR checking a checkbox of several items and then clicking an action there is a lag (a second or so). Imagine having 100 rows or more.
$("a.action:not(.remove)").click(function (e) { // .remove => do not execute on download tasks page
var selected = new Array(); // array to hold selections or clicks
var obj = $(this), objData = obj.data();
if (!obj.hasClass('disablelink')) {
if (objData.ajaxMachineid) {
} else {
$("input.checkbox:checkbox:checked:not(.checkall)").each(function () {
var checkbox = $(this), machineId = checkbox.val(), packageId = objData.ajaxPackageid.removeSpecialChars().toUpperCase(), operation = objData.ajaxType;
var $row = $("#" + machineId + packageId.removeSpecialChars().toUpperCase());
if ($row.length) {
$row.has("a[data-ajax-type=" + operation + "]:not(.hide)").length ? selected.push(machineId) : $(this).attr('checked', false);
if (selected.length > 0) {
// do something more here blah blah blah
$("input.checkall").attr("checked", false);
Sample HTML of one row:
<tr id="1960AGISGIGAMEM22220204" class="">
<td class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" value="1960" class="checkbox">
<td class="">
<p><a href="/Devices/View/1960">GD009000246</a></p>
<td class="platform">PCGames</td>
<td class="cat">Up</td>
<td class="platform">
<div class="pbar"><span class="progresslabel"></span></div>
<td class="date"></td>
<td class="options clearfix">
<a title="View" class="iconMagnifier tip" href="/Packages/View/AGI-SGI-GAME-M222-">View</a>
<a title="Install" href="/Packages/PackageActionInstallAsync" data-ajax-type="Install" data-ajax-packageid="AGI-SGI-GAME-M222-" data-ajax-machineid="1960" class="iconDiskPlus action tip ">Install</a><a title="" href="/Packages/PackageActionAsyncDeletePackage" data-ajax-type="DeletePackage" data-ajax-packageid="AGI-SGI-GAME-M222-" data-ajax-machineid="1960" class="iconDelete action tip">Remove</a>