Your current battery of if conditions needs a re-think. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
-- as long as it has a non-falsey value will evauate to true
, satisfy the first expression, will never even reach $_SERVER['PHP_URL_PATH'] === "/mainHubV8.1.php"
, execute echo "Loading Styles for MainHubV8.1.php";
, and nothing else will ever get a look.
It is unclear to me if you ever want to load multiple stylesheets. If so this would a second reason to opt for a switch
block versus an if-elseif...
You probably intend to check if the string is found in $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
. Each variable must be separately checked (there are different techniques to perform that process).
I think you should choose one reliable source to make your comparison on.
To streamline your code without abandoning secure practices, I recommend a "whitelist" array of valid css filenames. If the incoming value exists in the whitelist, include the filenamecss file(s) by directly writing the $_SERVER
value into a require
or include
callthe echo line(s).
If you cannot manage to get the 1-to-1 literal variable string to match your css file, then I recommend a lookup array instead of a switch block (because I hate how verbose all those break
lines make the script).