Another alternative: use RLE
(run-length-estimationencoding; with thanks to the comments for the correct naming), borrowed originally from a very simple data compressor of the same name.
Here's the code, albeit in the R
language. (For non-users, 1L
just forces integer-class, x[-k]
means all of vector x
except index 'k' )
Here's the base package code for the function rle(x)
First line: generate logical vector of "is x[j] == x[j-1] ? "
y <- x[-1L] != x[-n] ;
returns index values when argument is TRUE, and c
concatenates vectors ( just catches N/A values in case the input was skeevy)
i <- c(which(y |, n) ;
finally, create a structure. First element calculates run lengths by comparing sequential index values in i
; second element returns the value of the input vector every time that run terminates
structure(list(lengths = diff(c(0L, i)), values = x[i]), class = "rle")
then add a line to find max(lengths[values==0])