This is my take on an image->greyscale → greyscale converter
Here is my code:. -- Converts an image file to greyscale
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename
from graphics import *
def displayimage(imagefile):
#Open image to get width and height
image2convert = Image(Point(0, 0), imagefile)
imgwidth = image2convert.getWidth()
imgheight = image2convert.getHeight()
#Set window size to image size and draw image to window
win = GraphWin("Greyscale Converter", imgwidth, imgheight)
image2convert.move(imgwidth/2, imgheight/2)
return image2convert, win
def convert(image2convert):
width = image2convert.getWidth()
height = image2convert.getHeight()
#For each row of pixels
for pixelx in range(width):
#For each column of pixels
for pixely in range(height):
print(pixelx, pixely)
#Get Pixel Colour, calculate greyscale, set Pixel to calculated colour
r, g, b = image2convert.getPixel(pixelx, pixely)
brightness = int(round(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b))
image2convert.setPixel(pixelx, pixely, color_rgb(brightness, brightness, brightness))
#See progress for each row
return image2convert
def main():
imagefile = askopenfilename(filetypes=[("GIF-Image", ".gif"), ("PPM-Image", ".ppm")])
image2convert, win = displayimage(imagefile)
#convert after click
image2convert = convert(image2convert)
#save new image
outFile = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[("GIF-Image", ".gif"), ("PPM-Image", ".ppm")])
newImg =
#close file and window after click
Opinions/Suggestions/Ideas? It is pretty slow, but iI don't think that this approach can be much faster.