Does your main really need to reserve 56 bytes on the stack in order to receive a mere dword from scanf? And why does hanoi reserve 40 bytes on the stack that it never uses?
;; bits 64
default rel
extern printf, scanf
section .text
global main
global hanoi
sub rsp, 56
lea rcx, [prompt]
call printf
lea rdx, [rsp+32]
lea rcx, [scan_fmt]
call scanf
cmp eax, 1
jz .call_hanoi
lea rcx, [scan_fail]
call printf
mov eax, 1 ; return 1
add rsp, 56
mov ecx, dword [rsp+32] ; ecx = num_disks
mov r9d, 3 ; r9d = tmp
mov r8d, 2 ; r8d = dst
mov edx, 1 ; edx = src
call hanoi ; hanoi(num_disks, src, dst, tmp)
xor eax, eax ; return 0
jmp .end
cmp ecx, 1 ; if num_disks == 1
je .skip_recursive_move
push rbx
push rsi
push rdi
push r12
mov ebx, ecx ; ECX=2+
mov esi, edx ; esi = edx = src
mov edi, r9d ; edi = r9d = tmp
mov r12d, r8d ; r12d = r8d = dst
mov r9d, r12d ; dst
mov r8d, edi ; tmp
mov edx, esi ; src
lea ecx, [rbx - 1] ; num_disks - 1
call hanoi ; tmp & dst are swapped for this call
mov r9d, r12d ; the 'to' peg
mov r8d, esi ; the 'from' peg
mov edx, ebx ; num_disks
lea rcx, [prompt_move_disk]
sub rsp, 32 ;shadow space
call printf
add rsp, 32
mov eax, esi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, eax ; swaps tmp and src (esi and edi)
dec ebx ; num_disks - 1
cmp ebx, 1 ; if num_disks == 1
jne .move_disk
mov r8d, r12d ; the 'to' peg
mov edx, esi ; the 'from' peg
pop r12
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbx
lea rcx, [prompt_move_one_disk]
jmpsub rsp, 32 ;shadow space
call printf
add rsp, 32
%macro str 2
%2: db %1, 0
section .rdata
str "How many disks do you want to play with? ", prompt
str "%u", scan_fmt
str {"Uh-oh, I couldn't understand that... No towers of Hanoi for you!", 10}, scan_fail
str {"Move disk 1 from peg %d to peg %d", 10}, prompt_move_one_disk
str {"Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d", 10}, prompt_move_disk