I'm currently writing Report's system. I have about 20 different users with different access. Am I doing it correctly? Can I improve my style of writing this code? All my reports based on the same structure.
In my Report's Controller:
function my_report_name()
//current week by default
$dates['from'] = $this->uri->segment(3,date('Y-m-d',strtotime(date('o-\\WW'))-60*60*24*7));
$dates['to'] = $this->uri->segment(4,date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dates['from']) + 6 * 24* 60 * 60));
$data['title'] = "My Report Name Description";
//view in 'view/report' folder to use
//name of view always the same as name of function
$data['main'] = "report/my_report_name";
$data['menuReport'] = "class='current'";
$data['panel'] = "panel/panel";
//load template
$this->load->view('template/t_main_full', $data);
In my Model:
function getMyReportDescriptionSummary($dates)
$Q = $this->db->get();
if($Q->num_rows() > 0)
return $Q->result_array();
return false;
In my repots layout page:
//function to check permissions
<? if($this->Model_Users->accessVerify('my_report_name')) {?>
<tr>My report</tr>