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Frank Doe
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I still neeed to implement an undo/redo stack and fix my edit function because it is not working correctly.

I still neeed to implement an undo/redo stack and fix my edit function because it is not working correctly.

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Frank Doe
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Phone Book Program in C++ - Final Follow Up

I hope I am not going against any rules on this site. This is my last follow up question, and I believe I am ready to turn this code in. (It is a homework assignment and I am required to use linked lists) This code is a follow up to this question. I certainly have gained knowledge from this community and am very appreciative of your feedback.

Some things I have implemented since the first iteration:

Implemented enum for a menu instead of using magic numbers, No longer using using namespace std, No longer using system("pause"), No longer using std::endl but now using \n, Fixed memory leaks

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class List
    struct node
        std::string firstName;
        std::string lastName;
        std::string phoneNumber;
        node *next;
    node *head, *tail;

        head = NULL;
        tail = NULL;

    void create_contact(std::string first, std::string last, std::string cellNumber) // Create node and add it onto the linked list
        node *temp = new node;
        temp->firstName = first;
        temp->lastName = last;
        temp->phoneNumber = cellNumber;
        temp->next = NULL;
        if (head == NULL)
            head = temp;
            tail = temp;
            temp = NULL;
            tail->next = temp;
            tail = temp;

    void display_all() const
        int contactNum = 0;
        if (head == NULL) {
            std::cout << "You have no contacts.";
        for (node *curr = head; curr; curr = curr->next)
            std::cout << "\nContact Number: " << ++contactNum << "\n";
            std::cout << "First Name: " << curr->firstName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Last Name: " << curr->lastName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Phone Number: " << curr->phoneNumber << "\n";

    void display_contact(std::string first, std::string last)
        bool found;

        node *curr = head;
        found = false;
        int idx = -1;

        while (curr != NULL & !found)
            if (curr->firstName == first && curr->lastName == last)
                found = true;
                curr = curr->next;

        if (found)
            std::cout << "First Name: " << curr->firstName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Last Name: " << curr->lastName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Phone Number: " << curr->phoneNumber << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n" << first << " " << last << " was not found.\n";

    void name_search(std::string titleSearched)
        bool found;

        node *curr = head;
        found = false;

        while (curr != NULL & !found)
            if (curr->firstName == titleSearched)
                found = true;
                curr = curr->next;

        if (found)
            std::cout << "\n" << titleSearched << " was found.\n";
            std::cout << "-----------------------------------\n";
            std::cout << "First Name: " << curr->firstName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Last Name: " << curr->lastName << "\n";
            std::cout << "Phone Number: " << curr->phoneNumber << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n" << titleSearched << " was not found.\n";

    void delete_position(int pos)
        if (pos < 1 || head == nullptr)
        node *victim{ head };
        if (pos == 1) {  // deleting head
            if (tail == victim) {
                head = tail = nullptr;
            else {
                head = head->next;
        else {
            // deleting non-head node
            node *prev{ head };
            for (pos -= 2; pos; --pos) {
                if (prev == nullptr)
                prev = prev->next;
            victim = prev->next;
            prev->next = victim->next;
            if (tail == victim) {
                tail = prev;
        delete victim;

    void pause() {


int main()
    List Contacts; // create a Contacts item for the List class
    int position;
    std::string firstName;
    std::string lastName;
    std::string phoneNumber;
    std::string choice;
    int x;

    enum {
        ShowAll = 1,

    bool exit_contacts = false;

    while (!exit_contacts) {
        std::cout << "\nWhat would you like to do?: " << "\n";
        std::cout << "1. Show All Contacts" << "\n";
        std::cout << "2. Add A Contact" << "\n";
        std::cout << "3. Remove A Contact" << "\n";
        std::cout << "4. Edit A Contact" << "\n";
        std::cout << "5. Search Contacts" << "\n";
        std::cout << "6. Exit The Program" << "\n\n";
        std::cin >> choice;

        try {
            x = std::stoi(choice);
        catch (...) {
            x = 0;

        switch (x)
        case ShowAll:
            std::cout << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n";
        case AddContact:
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' first name: ";
            std::cin >> firstName;
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' last name: ";
            std::cin >> lastName;
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' phone number: ";
            std::cin >> phoneNumber;
            Contacts.create_contact(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber);
            std::cout << "\n";
        case RemoveContact:
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contact number of the contact you would like to remove: ";
            std::cin >> position;
        case EditContact:
            std::cout << "\nTo find the contact you would like to edit: ";
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' first name: ";
            std::cin >> firstName;
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' last name: ";
            std::cin >> lastName;
            Contacts.display_contact(firstName, lastName);
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' NEW first name: ";
            std::cin >> firstName;
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' NEW last name: ";
            std::cin >> lastName;
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' NEW phone number: ";
            std::cin >> phoneNumber;
            Contacts.create_contact(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber);
        case SearchContacts:
            std::cout << "\nEnter the contacts' first name: ";
            std::cin >> firstName;
        case ExitContacts:
            exit_contacts = true;
            std::cout << "\n" << choice << " is not an option. Please select a valid option." << "\n";
    return 0;