I created a simple user form for my VBA course.
I then created the following VBA code:
Private Sub btnModify_Click()
Dim modRange As Range
Set modRange = Selection
Dim modString As String
modString = modRange.Value
If obUpperCase.Value = True Then
modRange.Value = UCase(modString)
btnModify.Value = False
ElseIf obLowerCase.Value = True Then
modRange.Value = LCase(modString)
btnModify.Value = False
ElseIf obProperCase.Value = True Then
modRange.Value = Application.Proper(modString)
btnModify.Value = False
End If
End Sub
Is it possible to split the btnModify_Click into two procedures?
The first procedure would check which OptionButton is clicked and return a "formatting" type.
The second would be the actual btnModify_Click. It would take the active selection and apply the formatting type returned from the first procedure.
My apologies for not posting any code along these lines but I don't have a grasp of how procedures work yet. I have an idea but this seems like a simple enough example to get me started (perhaps too simple?).
On a minor note, I don't like the style of the buttons. They have a classic look, and even though there is a time an place for this specific style, is there any way to obtain "better" looking buttons?
Any input would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time.