Calling a dictionary a list is very confusing
Rather than using
, you could usesorted
.This'll change the time complexity of your code from \$O(n^2)\$ to \$O(n \log n)\$, as Python uses the Timsort. And since
is written in C, it'll be super fast too.Sorted also has the keyword argument
, which lets you sort by another value, rather than the value you get.This also keeps the original dictionary intact.
You can use
to build your input list. And to build a list to pass toenumerate
you could usestr.split
And so I'd change your code to:
def sort_dict_by_value_len(dict_):
return sorted(dict_.items(), key=lambda kv: (len(kv[1]), kv[0]))
def sort_dict_by_value_len_without_key(dict_):
return [(k, dict_[k]) for _, k in sorted((len(v), k) for (k, v) in dict_.items())]
dict_ = dict(enumerate('one two three four five six seven eight nine ten'.split(), start=1))
for key, value in sort_dict_by_value_len(dict_):
print(key, value)
If you only want \$O(1)\$ memory usage, then you could use an insertion sort. But keeps the \$O(n^2)\$ time complexity. I also cheated a bit.
- I used a generator comprehension, rather than a list comprehension to ensure \$O(1)\$ space. Alternately, you could invert the algorithm, and pop from one array to another.
- I used
to remove most of the logic.
def sort_dict_by_value_len(dict_):
output = []
while dict_:
key, value = dict_.popitem()
bisect.insort(output, ((len(value), key), (key, value)))
return (i[1] for i in output)