I have a code based on the following problem "Mapping phone numbers to names", the problem is that when they are going to process large data(+100.000) the program ends by timeout. my code and problem is this, how can I optimize my code to consume less time?
my code
function processData(input) {
var r=input.split(/\n/),o=Number(r[0]),c=r.length-1,x=[];
var rx=new RegExp(l+"\\s(\\d+)"),o=input.match(rx);
console.log(o==null?"Not found":l+"="+o[1]);
Example Input
3 sam 99912222 tom 11122222 harry 12299933 sam edward harry
Example Output
sam=99912222 Not found harry=12299933
The program generates timeout in the following case
BIG Example Input and output Thanks