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factored out invariant expression in flatMap
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Why is the function named allCombinations? The "all" seems superfluous. Also, it's actually returning permutations rather than combinations, so the second half isn't really accurate either. I suggest naming it something else entirely, though: product, based on the function in Python's itertools module that does something similar. As for the first parameter, I find dims (or dimensions) to be more descriptive than n.

Why limit yourself to two possible values? Why not also support a tri-state, for example? You could make values variadic. As a bonus, you wouldn't have to manually toggle between value and alternativeValue; you could just use normal iteration tools like .map.

def product[T](dims: Int, values: T*): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
  dims match {
    case 0 => Seq()
    case 1 =>
    case _ => values.flatMap(v{
 =>     val lesserProduct = product(dims - 1, values:_*)
      values.flatMap(v =>

Note that the ordering convention is different from yours; i.e. product(4, false, true) is equivalent to allCombinations(4, true, false). I don't consider that to be a drawback.

Why is the function named allCombinations? The "all" seems superfluous. Also, it's actually returning permutations rather than combinations, so the second half isn't really accurate either. I suggest naming it something else entirely, though: product, based on the function in Python's itertools module that does something similar. As for the first parameter, I find dims (or dimensions) to be more descriptive than n.

Why limit yourself to two possible values? Why not also support a tri-state, for example? You could make values variadic. As a bonus, you wouldn't have to manually toggle between value and alternativeValue; you could just use normal iteration tools like .map.

def product[T](dims: Int, values: T*): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
  dims match {
    case 0 => Seq()
    case 1 =>
    case _ => values.flatMap(v => product(dims - 1, values:_*).map(_.+:(v)))

Note that the ordering convention is different from yours; i.e. product(4, false, true) is equivalent to allCombinations(4, true, false). I don't consider that to be a drawback.

Why is the function named allCombinations? The "all" seems superfluous. Also, it's actually returning permutations rather than combinations, so the second half isn't really accurate either. I suggest naming it something else entirely, though: product, based on the function in Python's itertools module that does something similar. As for the first parameter, I find dims (or dimensions) to be more descriptive than n.

Why limit yourself to two possible values? Why not also support a tri-state, for example? You could make values variadic. As a bonus, you wouldn't have to manually toggle between value and alternativeValue; you could just use normal iteration tools like .map.

def product[T](dims: Int, values: T*): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
  dims match {
    case 0 => Seq()
    case 1 =>
    case _ => {
      val lesserProduct = product(dims - 1, values:_*)
      values.flatMap(v =>

Note that the ordering convention is different from yours; i.e. product(4, false, true) is equivalent to allCombinations(4, true, false). I don't consider that to be a drawback.

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Why is the function named allCombinations? The "all" seems superfluous. Also, it's actually returning permutations rather than combinations, so the second half isn't really accurate either. I suggest naming it something else entirely, though: product, based on the function in Python's itertools module that does something similar. As for the first parameter, I find dims (or dimensions) to be more descriptive than n.

Why limit yourself to two possible values? Why not also support a tri-state, for example? You could make values variadic. As a bonus, you wouldn't have to manually toggle between value and alternativeValue; you could just use normal iteration tools like .map.

def product[T](dims: Int, values: T*): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
  dims match {
    case 0 => Seq()
    case 1 =>
    case _ => values.flatMap(v => product(dims - 1, values:_*).map(_.+:(v)))

Note that the ordering convention is different from yours; i.e. product(4, false, true) is equivalent to allCombinations(4, true, false). I don't consider that to be a drawback.