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May 4 at 12:56 vote accept Maksim Dmitriev
Feb 20, 2020 at 10:01 history edited forsvarir CC BY-SA 4.0
added link to problem description
Feb 20, 2020 at 10:00 answer added forsvarir timeline score: 2
Oct 15, 2016 at 15:59 history edited 200_success
edited tags
Oct 15, 2016 at 15:36 comment added Kristian H One thing I would add in the verifyDutch, rather than return if the input is null or length <2, I would Assume.assumeTrue(input == null || input.length < 2) that way you'd explicitly know the verify was run and the test input ignored as inapplicable. This can help reduce other bugs were the test results seem like a false pass, when you didn't put in what you thought you did in the test. That is, the verify should not fall through without an running an at least (at most? exactly? start testing flame war now!) assert UNLESS it is explicitly ignored. YMMV.
Oct 15, 2016 at 15:04 comment added greybeard Come to think of it, the assert in the second branch cannot fail: in the else of input[i] < mid, input[i] >= mid better be true.
Oct 15, 2016 at 14:41 comment added Maksim Dmitriev @greybeard, the array is zero indexed. What do you mean by "the one in the last branches "2nd output term"?
Oct 15, 2016 at 14:36 comment added Maksim Dmitriev @greybeard, I added the language and mentioned the array was zero-indexed.
Oct 15, 2016 at 14:35 history edited Maksim Dmitriev CC BY-SA 3.0
added 38 characters in body
Oct 15, 2016 at 14:24 history asked Maksim Dmitriev CC BY-SA 3.0