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I'm begginnerbeginner java programmer and would like to ask you to take a look at my code. I wrote small rest service among with tests. Now I have to questions to ask.

first theThe test methods:

  1. isIs my approach separating different results to different methods correct? I could do more compressed assertions checking for exceptions and result body and result status in one method. Isnt it better approach?

  2. To run the tests I'm using my "main" database, Is it possible to somehow mock my database so that I could have full controll during the test what's in the database and did not have to use the "main" db?

I'm begginner java programmer and would like to ask you to take a look at my code. I wrote small rest service among with tests. Now I have to questions to ask.

first the test methods:

  1. is my approach separating different results to different methods correct? I could do more compressed assertions checking for exceptions and result body and result status in one method. Isnt it better approach?

  2. To run the tests I'm using my "main" database, Is it possible to somehow mock my database so that I could have full controll during the test what's in the database and did not have to use the "main" db?

I'm beginner java programmer and would like to ask you to take a look at my code. I wrote small rest service among with tests. Now I have to questions to ask.

The test methods:

  1. Is my approach separating different results to different methods correct? I could do more compressed assertions checking for exceptions and result body and result status in one method. Isnt it better approach?

  2. To run the tests I'm using my "main" database, Is it possible to somehow mock my database so that I could have full controll during the test what's in the database and did not have to use the "main" db?

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Testing controller class using mockito mvc

I'm begginner java programmer and would like to ask you to take a look at my code. I wrote small rest service among with tests. Now I have to questions to ask.

first the test methods:

public class CustomerControllerTests extends RestApplicationTests{

    private WebApplicationContext context;
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    public void setup(){
        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders
    public void getRequestSent_then200IsRecived() throws Exception{
    public void getRequestSend_thenJSONisRecived() throws Exception{
    public void givenUserDoesNotExists_whenUserInfoIsRetrieved_then404IsRecived() throws Exception{
        final String id = "666634443255233321";
        mockMvc.perform(get("/customers/" + id))
    public void givenPutRequest_whenRequestBodyIsValid_then200IsRecived() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
    public void givenPutRequest_whenIdIsMissing_thenIllegalArgumentExceptionAsCause() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
        catch(NestedServletException e){
            Assert.assertEquals(NestedServletException.class, e.getClass());
            Assert.assertEquals(IllegalArgumentException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
            Assert.assertEquals("Can not update with id equal to 0", e.getCause().getLocalizedMessage());
    public void givenPutRequest_whenEntityIsNotCompatible_then400BadRequest() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
    public void givenPutRequest_whenEntityIsNotCompatible_thenExplanationInBody() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
                        .string("Entity contains forbidden values: "
                                + "Can not update entity with field \"lastName\" set to: null"));
    public void givenPutRequest_whenEntityIsNotCompatible_thenDataInputException() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
        catch(DataInputException e){
            Assert.assertEquals(DataInputException.class, e.getClass());
    public void givenPostRequest_whenRequestBodyIsValid_then200IsRecived() throws Exception{
        Customer customerStub = new Customer.Builder()
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        String entityAsJson = gson.toJson(customerStub);
    public void givenDeleteRequest_whenUserExists_then204NoContent() throws Exception{
  1. is my approach separating different results to different methods correct? I could do more compressed assertions checking for exceptions and result body and result status in one method. Isnt it better approach?

  2. To run the tests I'm using my "main" database, Is it possible to somehow mock my database so that I could have full controll during the test what's in the database and did not have to use the "main" db?