Build a calculator with React which can Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide.
See image below for reference
Give it whatever design and colors you want
Each text field should have a placeholder
The result field should be able to be copied but not edited
Make sure your math is correct and calculator is well tested
Post final Github solution and link to the forums:
- Remember the better you make this the better potential you have of using it in the future
Build a calculator with React which can add, subtract, multiply and divide.
See image below for reference
Give it whatever design and colors you want
Each text field should have a placeholder
The result field should be able to be copied but not edited
Make sure your math is correct and calculator is well tested
Post final Github solution and link to the forums
Remember, the better you make this the better potential you have of using it in the future.
Here's my uncompiled JSX and Sass-code: Here's my uncompiled JSX and SASS:
The full project-code can be found on GitHub :
Here's a live demo:.'s
Have I fulfilled the assignment demands?
Moreover: The calculator works but I'm sure the programming could be improved a live demo.
Would appreciate to read your opinions and hintsHave I fulfilled the assignment demands? Moreover, the calculator works, but I'm sure the programming could be improved.