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Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old CodeOld Code

Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old Code

Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old Code

updated to include imports
Source Link
  • 65
  • 1
  • 12
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Http
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Public Class MDI
Public Class ImgThreadParams
    Public gtin As String
    Public lUrls As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
End Class
Public Shared Function GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder As String) As String()
    Dim files As String()
    If targetFolder = vbNullString Then
        files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        If System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetFolder) = True Then
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetFolder, "Export*.xls")
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        End If
    End If
    Return files
End Function
Public Shared Sub ProcessFolder(targetFolder As String)
    Dim ListParams As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)()
    Dim gtin As String = vbNullString
    Dim files = GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder)
    Dim excel As Application = New Application()

        For Each fileName As String In files
            'Dim book = New LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName))
            Dim w As Workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fileName)
            ' Get sheet.
            Dim sheet As Worksheet = CType(w.Sheets(1), Worksheet)
            ' Get range.
            Dim r As Range = sheet.UsedRange()
            Dim rArray(,) As Object = CType(r.Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault), Object(,))
            Dim hl As Integer = 0
            Dim hn As Integer = 0
            Dim rt As Integer = 0
            Dim GtinC As Integer = 0
            Dim Img1 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img2 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img3 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img4 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img5 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img6 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img7 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img8 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img9 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img10 As Integer = 0
            Dim ic As Integer = 0
            Dim ic3 As Integer = 0
            For j As Integer = 1 To r.Columns.Count()

                If rArray(4, j).ToString().StartsWith("GTIN") Then
                    GtinC = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).Equals("Record type") Then
                    rt = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy number") Or rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy level") Then
                    ic3 = ic3 + 1
                    If (ic3 = 1) Then
                        hn = j
                    ElseIf ic3 = 2 Then
                        hl = j
                    End If
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.StartsWith("Image") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.EndsWith("Description") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.Contains("File") Then
                    ic = ic + 1
                    Select Case ic
                        Case 1
                            Img1 = j
                        Case 2
                            Img2 = j
                        Case 3
                            Img3 = j
                        Case 4
                            Img4 = j
                        Case 5
                            Img5 = j
                        Case 6
                            Img6 = j
                        Case 7
                            Img7 = j
                        Case 8
                            Img8 = j
                        Case 9
                            Img9 = j
                        Case 10
                            Img10 = j
                        Case Else
                            Exit Select
                    End Select
                End If
            Dim additem As Boolean = False
            For i As Integer = 5 To r.Rows.Count()
                'check Hierarchy Number Level and record Type to filter for only top level GTIN's to download
                If (CType(rArray(i, hn), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, hl), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, rt), Integer) = 1) Then
                    GoTo ContinueLoop
                    Continue For
                End If

                Dim itp As ImgThreadParams = New ImgThreadParams()
                itp.gtin = CType(rArray(i, GtinC), String)
                If (rArray(i, Img1) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String))
                        additem = True
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img2) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img3) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img4) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img5) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img6) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img7) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img8) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img9) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img10) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (additem = True) Then
                    additem = False
                End If
            rArray = Nothing

            Dim Folder As DirectoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image")
            If ListParams.Count > 10 Then
                Dim tCount As Integer = CInt(Math.Round(ListParams.Count / 10, MidpointRounding.ToEven))
                Dim L1 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = 0 To tCount
                Dim L2 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount + 1 To tCount * 2
                Dim L3 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 2 + 1 To tCount * 3
                Dim L4 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 3 + 1 To tCount * 4
                Dim L5 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 4 + 1 To tCount * 5
                Dim L6 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 5 + 1 To tCount * 6
                Dim L7 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 6 + 1 To tCount * 7
                Dim L8 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 7 + 1 To tCount * 8
                Dim L9 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 8 + 1 To tCount * 9
                Dim L10 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 9 + 1 To ListParams.Count - 1
                Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000)
                Dim t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t2 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t3 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t4 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t5 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t6 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t7 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t8 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t9 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t10 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                Dim t1 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
            End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Exit Sub
    End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ThreadedGetGtinImages(Params As List(Of ImgThreadParams))

    Dim wc As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
    Const ItemBatch As Integer = 100
    Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Params.Count, ItemBatch), Async Sub(range)
                                                                         Dim imgCount As Integer = 1
                                                                         For i As Integer = range.Item1 To range.Item2 - 1
                                                                             Dim item = Params(i)
                                                                             imgCount = 1
                                                                             For Each surl In item.lUrls
                                                                                     Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await wc.GetAsync(surl)
                                                                                     If (response.StatusCode = 200) Then
                                                                                         Dim sContentType As String = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType.ToString()
                                                                                         If (sContentType.Length > 0) Then
                                                                                             Dim sImage As String = sContentType.Split("/")(0).ToLower
                                                                                             Dim sImageType As String = sContentType.Split("/")(1).ToLower
                                                                                             If sImage.Equals("image") = True Or sImage.Equals("text") Then
                                                                                                 Dim sFileExtension As String
                                                                                                 Select Case sImageType
                                                                                                     Case "jpeg"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".jpg"
                                                                                                     Case "png"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".png"
                                                                                                     Case "bmp"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".bmp"
                                                                                                     Case "gif"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".gif"
                                                                                                     Case "tiff"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".Tiff"
                                                                                                     Case "html"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".html"
                                                                                                     Case Else
                                                                                                         Continue For
                                                                                                 End Select
                                                                                                 Dim sFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image"
                                                                                                 Using Fi As FileStream = New FileStream(sFolder + "\" + item.gtin + "_" + imgCount.ToString + sFileExtension, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
                                                                                                     Dim d = Await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync()
                                                                                                     Await Fi.WriteAsync(d, 0, d.Length)
                                                                                                     Await Fi.FlushAsync()
                                                                                                 End Using
                                                                                                 imgCount = imgCount + 1
                                                                                             End If
                                                                                         End If
                                                                                     End If
                                                                                     Continue For
                                                                                 End Try
                                                                     End Sub)

End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 10000
End Sub

End Class
   Public Class ImgThreadParams
    Public gtin As String
    Public lUrls As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
End Class
Public Shared Function GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder As String) As String()
    Dim files As String()
    If targetFolder = vbNullString Then
        files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        If System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetFolder) = True Then
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetFolder, "Export*.xls")
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        End If
    End If
    Return files
End Function
Public Shared Sub ProcessFolder(targetFolder As String)
    Dim ListParams As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)()
    Dim gtin As String = vbNullString
    Dim files = GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder)
    Dim excel As Application = New Application()

        For Each fileName As String In files
            'Dim book = New LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName))
            Dim w As Workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fileName)
            ' Get sheet.
            Dim sheet As Worksheet = CType(w.Sheets(1), Worksheet)
            ' Get range.
            Dim r As Range = sheet.UsedRange()
            Dim rArray(,) As Object = CType(r.Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault), Object(,))
            Dim hl As Integer = 0
            Dim hn As Integer = 0
            Dim rt As Integer = 0
            Dim GtinC As Integer = 0
            Dim Img1 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img2 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img3 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img4 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img5 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img6 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img7 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img8 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img9 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img10 As Integer = 0
            Dim ic As Integer = 0
            Dim ic3 As Integer = 0
            For j As Integer = 1 To r.Columns.Count()

                If rArray(4, j).ToString().StartsWith("GTIN") Then
                    GtinC = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).Equals("Record type") Then
                    rt = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy number") Or rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy level") Then
                    ic3 = ic3 + 1
                    If (ic3 = 1) Then
                        hn = j
                    ElseIf ic3 = 2 Then
                        hl = j
                    End If
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.StartsWith("Image") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.EndsWith("Description") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.Contains("File") Then
                    ic = ic + 1
                    Select Case ic
                        Case 1
                            Img1 = j
                        Case 2
                            Img2 = j
                        Case 3
                            Img3 = j
                        Case 4
                            Img4 = j
                        Case 5
                            Img5 = j
                        Case 6
                            Img6 = j
                        Case 7
                            Img7 = j
                        Case 8
                            Img8 = j
                        Case 9
                            Img9 = j
                        Case 10
                            Img10 = j
                        Case Else
                            Exit Select
                    End Select
                End If
            Dim additem As Boolean = False
            For i As Integer = 5 To r.Rows.Count()
                'check Hierarchy Number Level and record Type to filter for only top level GTIN's to download
                If (CType(rArray(i, hn), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, hl), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, rt), Integer) = 1) Then
                    GoTo ContinueLoop
                    Continue For
                End If

                Dim itp As ImgThreadParams = New ImgThreadParams()
                itp.gtin = CType(rArray(i, GtinC), String)
                If (rArray(i, Img1) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String))
                        additem = True
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img2) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img3) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img4) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img5) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img6) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img7) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img8) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img9) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img10) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (additem = True) Then
                    additem = False
                End If
            rArray = Nothing

            Dim Folder As DirectoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image")
            If ListParams.Count > 10 Then
                Dim tCount As Integer = CInt(Math.Round(ListParams.Count / 10, MidpointRounding.ToEven))
                Dim L1 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = 0 To tCount
                Dim L2 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount + 1 To tCount * 2
                Dim L3 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 2 + 1 To tCount * 3
                Dim L4 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 3 + 1 To tCount * 4
                Dim L5 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 4 + 1 To tCount * 5
                Dim L6 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 5 + 1 To tCount * 6
                Dim L7 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 6 + 1 To tCount * 7
                Dim L8 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 7 + 1 To tCount * 8
                Dim L9 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 8 + 1 To tCount * 9
                Dim L10 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 9 + 1 To ListParams.Count - 1
                Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000)
                Dim t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t2 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t3 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t4 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t5 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t6 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t7 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t8 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t9 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t10 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                Dim t1 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
            End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Exit Sub
    End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ThreadedGetGtinImages(Params As List(Of ImgThreadParams))

    Dim wc As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
    Const ItemBatch As Integer = 100
    Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Params.Count, ItemBatch), Async Sub(range)
                                                                         Dim imgCount As Integer = 1
                                                                         For i As Integer = range.Item1 To range.Item2 - 1
                                                                             Dim item = Params(i)
                                                                             imgCount = 1
                                                                             For Each surl In item.lUrls
                                                                                     Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await wc.GetAsync(surl)
                                                                                     If (response.StatusCode = 200) Then
                                                                                         Dim sContentType As String = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType.ToString()
                                                                                         If (sContentType.Length > 0) Then
                                                                                             Dim sImage As String = sContentType.Split("/")(0).ToLower
                                                                                             Dim sImageType As String = sContentType.Split("/")(1).ToLower
                                                                                             If sImage.Equals("image") = True Or sImage.Equals("text") Then
                                                                                                 Dim sFileExtension As String
                                                                                                 Select Case sImageType
                                                                                                     Case "jpeg"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".jpg"
                                                                                                     Case "png"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".png"
                                                                                                     Case "bmp"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".bmp"
                                                                                                     Case "gif"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".gif"
                                                                                                     Case "tiff"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".Tiff"
                                                                                                     Case "html"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".html"
                                                                                                     Case Else
                                                                                                         Continue For
                                                                                                 End Select
                                                                                                 Dim sFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image"
                                                                                                 Using Fi As FileStream = New FileStream(sFolder + "\" + item.gtin + "_" + imgCount.ToString + sFileExtension, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
                                                                                                     Dim d = Await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync()
                                                                                                     Await Fi.WriteAsync(d, 0, d.Length)
                                                                                                     Await Fi.FlushAsync()
                                                                                                 End Using
                                                                                                 imgCount = imgCount + 1
                                                                                             End If
                                                                                         End If
                                                                                     End If
                                                                                     Continue For
                                                                                 End Try
                                                                     End Sub)

End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 10000
End Sub
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Http
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Public Class MDI
Public Class ImgThreadParams
    Public gtin As String
    Public lUrls As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
End Class
Public Shared Function GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder As String) As String()
    Dim files As String()
    If targetFolder = vbNullString Then
        files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        If System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetFolder) = True Then
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(targetFolder, "Export*.xls")
            files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Export*.xlsx")
        End If
    End If
    Return files
End Function
Public Shared Sub ProcessFolder(targetFolder As String)
    Dim ListParams As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)()
    Dim gtin As String = vbNullString
    Dim files = GetXlsxFiles(targetFolder)
    Dim excel As Application = New Application()

        For Each fileName As String In files
            'Dim book = New LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName))
            Dim w As Workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fileName)
            ' Get sheet.
            Dim sheet As Worksheet = CType(w.Sheets(1), Worksheet)
            ' Get range.
            Dim r As Range = sheet.UsedRange()
            Dim rArray(,) As Object = CType(r.Value(XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault), Object(,))
            Dim hl As Integer = 0
            Dim hn As Integer = 0
            Dim rt As Integer = 0
            Dim GtinC As Integer = 0
            Dim Img1 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img2 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img3 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img4 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img5 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img6 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img7 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img8 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img9 As Integer = 0
            Dim Img10 As Integer = 0
            Dim ic As Integer = 0
            Dim ic3 As Integer = 0
            For j As Integer = 1 To r.Columns.Count()

                If rArray(4, j).ToString().StartsWith("GTIN") Then
                    GtinC = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).Equals("Record type") Then
                    rt = j
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy number") Or rArray(4, j).ToString.Equals("Hierarchy level") Then
                    ic3 = ic3 + 1
                    If (ic3 = 1) Then
                        hn = j
                    ElseIf ic3 = 2 Then
                        hl = j
                    End If
                ElseIf rArray(4, j).ToString.StartsWith("Image") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.EndsWith("Description") And Not rArray(4, j).ToString.Contains("File") Then
                    ic = ic + 1
                    Select Case ic
                        Case 1
                            Img1 = j
                        Case 2
                            Img2 = j
                        Case 3
                            Img3 = j
                        Case 4
                            Img4 = j
                        Case 5
                            Img5 = j
                        Case 6
                            Img6 = j
                        Case 7
                            Img7 = j
                        Case 8
                            Img8 = j
                        Case 9
                            Img9 = j
                        Case 10
                            Img10 = j
                        Case Else
                            Exit Select
                    End Select
                End If
            Dim additem As Boolean = False
            For i As Integer = 5 To r.Rows.Count()
                'check Hierarchy Number Level and record Type to filter for only top level GTIN's to download
                If (CType(rArray(i, hn), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, hl), Integer) = 1 And CType(rArray(i, rt), Integer) = 1) Then
                    GoTo ContinueLoop
                    Continue For
                End If

                Dim itp As ImgThreadParams = New ImgThreadParams()
                itp.gtin = CType(rArray(i, GtinC), String)
                If (rArray(i, Img1) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img1), String))
                        additem = True
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img2) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img2), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img3) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img3), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img4) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img4), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img5) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img5), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img6) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img6), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img7) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img7), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img8) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img8), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img9) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img9), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (rArray(i, Img10) IsNot Nothing) Then
                    If (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String), UriKind.Absolute)) Then
                        itp.lUrls.Add(CType(rArray(i, Img10), String))
                    End If
                End If
                If (additem = True) Then
                    additem = False
                End If
            rArray = Nothing

            Dim Folder As DirectoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image")
            If ListParams.Count > 10 Then
                Dim tCount As Integer = CInt(Math.Round(ListParams.Count / 10, MidpointRounding.ToEven))
                Dim L1 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = 0 To tCount
                Dim L2 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount + 1 To tCount * 2
                Dim L3 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 2 + 1 To tCount * 3
                Dim L4 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 3 + 1 To tCount * 4
                Dim L5 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 4 + 1 To tCount * 5
                Dim L6 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 5 + 1 To tCount * 6
                Dim L7 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 6 + 1 To tCount * 7
                Dim L8 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 7 + 1 To tCount * 8
                Dim L9 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 8 + 1 To tCount * 9
                Dim L10 As New List(Of ImgThreadParams)
                For i As Integer = tCount * 9 + 1 To ListParams.Count - 1
                Threading.ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000)
                Dim t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t2 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t3 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t4 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t5 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t6 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t7 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t8 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t9 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                t10 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
                Dim t1 As Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart
                t1 = New Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf ThreadedGetGtinImages)
            End If
    Catch ex As Exception
        Exit Sub
    End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ThreadedGetGtinImages(Params As List(Of ImgThreadParams))

    Dim wc As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
    Const ItemBatch As Integer = 100
    Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0, Params.Count, ItemBatch), Async Sub(range)
                                                                         Dim imgCount As Integer = 1
                                                                         For i As Integer = range.Item1 To range.Item2 - 1
                                                                             Dim item = Params(i)
                                                                             imgCount = 1
                                                                             For Each surl In item.lUrls
                                                                                     Dim response As HttpResponseMessage = Await wc.GetAsync(surl)
                                                                                     If (response.StatusCode = 200) Then
                                                                                         Dim sContentType As String = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType.ToString()
                                                                                         If (sContentType.Length > 0) Then
                                                                                             Dim sImage As String = sContentType.Split("/")(0).ToLower
                                                                                             Dim sImageType As String = sContentType.Split("/")(1).ToLower
                                                                                             If sImage.Equals("image") = True Or sImage.Equals("text") Then
                                                                                                 Dim sFileExtension As String
                                                                                                 Select Case sImageType
                                                                                                     Case "jpeg"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".jpg"
                                                                                                     Case "png"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".png"
                                                                                                     Case "bmp"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".bmp"
                                                                                                     Case "gif"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".gif"
                                                                                                     Case "tiff"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".Tiff"
                                                                                                     Case "html"
                                                                                                         sFileExtension = ".html"
                                                                                                     Case Else
                                                                                                         Continue For
                                                                                                 End Select
                                                                                                 Dim sFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\Image"
                                                                                                 Using Fi As FileStream = New FileStream(sFolder + "\" + item.gtin + "_" + imgCount.ToString + sFileExtension, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
                                                                                                     Dim d = Await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync()
                                                                                                     Await Fi.WriteAsync(d, 0, d.Length)
                                                                                                     Await Fi.FlushAsync()
                                                                                                 End Using
                                                                                                 imgCount = imgCount + 1
                                                                                             End If
                                                                                         End If
                                                                                     End If
                                                                                     Continue For
                                                                                 End Try
                                                                     End Sub)

End Sub
Public Shared Sub Main()
    ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 10000
End Sub

End Class
added 2 characters in body
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So I have a spreed sheet and its something like 550+ columns and I need to pull URLs from it. Previously I was using LinqToExcel when the sheet was less thenthan 255 columns a recent update has produced this monstrosity, so I have moved on to interop with excel to parse the data. So needless

Needless to say I have a list of a string I want to name all the images to, plus the index of that image for this item(uniqueness of file names). Currently I use 10 Threadsthreads to do the queries for the data. 10 HttpClients, 1 on each thread, and then I use a paralle.ForEach and Partitioner to dole out batches of 100 items to each parallel thread. This is not a Image pull from 1 website, many websites may be covered in the items. 

Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old Code

So I have a spreed sheet and its something like 550+ columns and I need to pull URLs from it. Previously I was using LinqToExcel when the sheet was less then 255 columns a recent update has produced this monstrosity, so I have moved on to interop with excel to parse the data. So needless to say I have a list of a string I want to name all the images to, plus the index of that image for this item(uniqueness of file names). Currently I use 10 Threads to do the queries for the data. 10 HttpClients, 1 on each thread, and then I use a paralle.ForEach and Partitioner to dole out batches of 100 items to each parallel thread. This is not a Image pull from 1 website, many websites may be covered in the items. Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old Code

I have a spreed sheet and its something like 550+ columns and I need to pull URLs from it. Previously I was using LinqToExcel when the sheet was less than 255 columns a recent update has produced this monstrosity, so I have moved on to interop with excel to parse the data.

Needless to say I have a list of a string I want to name all the images to, plus the index of that image for this item(uniqueness of file names). Currently I use 10 threads to do the queries for the data. 10 HttpClients, 1 on each thread, and then I use a paralle.ForEach and Partitioner to dole out batches of 100 items to each parallel thread. This is not a Image pull from 1 website, many websites may be covered in the items. 

Is This the Fastest way to do it? Old Code

updated to full set of code on request
Source Link
  • 65
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Source Link
  • 65
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