Looking at your code the thing that sticks out is:
template<typename T>
if(Singleton::_instance != 0)
delete Singleton::_instance;
Singleton::_instance = 0;
You are already in the destructor of the only object. Thus calling delete on _instance is calling delete on yourself (and that must already have been done otherwise you would not be in the destructor).
As you have deduced the problem is that the object is not automatically destroyed. There are several ways of solving this in your code. The best would be to make _instance
a std::auto_ptr (std::unique_ptr in C++11). This will mean as a static storage duration object that it will be destroyed at the end of the program (which will call the destructor for you).
That aside C++ code where you have pointers strewn about the place is not real C++ code. You may be using the C++ syntax but you are writing C. There is a very different style attached to C++. You should barely ever see pointers. This is because there is no ownership semantics associated with pointers and one of the big things in C++ is expressing ownership of dynamic storage duration objects.
About the only place you see pointers are in the implementation of containers and smart pointers. As a user you should be using smart pointers or containers (depending on situation) instead of pointers. Where you passing be reference
using a pointer (aka C) you should use references (aka C++).