I have a SQLite database that only contains the holidays for 1 user.
I have a new Trip
object (newTrip
) that has a StartDate
unix time) and an EndDate
unix time) and the trip Iso3Code
) for the location.
I need to retrieve from the database all existing Trip
s that can be merged with the newTrip
. A trip can be merged if the dates of the new trip fall at the same time of the existing trips or on the day before or after the existing trips and have the same Iso2Code`.
So far I have this:
public static List<Trip> GetTripsThatCanBeMerged(Trip trip)
//ignore times - just get for that date and get the date before for the start date and the day after for the end data, as the day before and after can be merged.
DateTime startDate = DateTimeHelper.UnixDateToDateTime(trip.StartDate).Date.AddDays(-1);
DateTime endDate = DateTimeHelper.UnixDateToDateTime(trip.EndDate).Date.AddDays(1);
//now convert back to unix
long startDateUnix = DateTimeHelper.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(startDate);
long endDateUnix = DateTimeHelper.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp(endDate);
List<Trip> trips = null;
using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(new SQLitePlatformWinRT(), _sqliteDatabasePath))
trips = conn.GetAllWithChildren<Trip>(p =>
((p.StartDate >= startDateUnix && p.StartDate <= endDateUnix) ||
(p.EndDate >= startDateUnix && p.EndDate <= endDateUnix) ||
(p.StartDate <= startDateUnix && (endDateUnix >= p.StartDate && endDateUnix <= p.EndDate))) &&
p.Iso3Code == trip.Iso3Code
, true);
return trips;
I think this is correct but can anyone suggest a less complex way of doing it, or see any errors.