In our swift project, there are multiple service classes that encapsulate functions, mostly network-api calls. They implement a protocol, and depend on other service classes, e.g. an authorization service or a network facade.
Their instances should only exist once, hence they are designed as singletons, with a private constructor and a single point to access, like so:
static let defaultInstance = MyManagerImplementation(networkFacade: MyApiFacade())
In order to write unit tests for each service class, i want to mock the dependencies. Sadly this is not possible in the code above.
So i re-wrote the initialization like this.
let networkFacade: MyApiFacade
private static var instance: MyManagerImplementation?
static func defaultInstance(apiFacade apiFacade: MyApiFacade = RestApiImplementation.defaultInstance) -> MyManager {
if instance == nil {
instance = MyManagerImplementation(networkFacade: apiFacade)
return instance!
init(networkFacade: MyApiFacade) {
self.networkFacade = networkFacade
Which should be the classic singleton pattern, as i know it from other languages.
The problem i have with this is that swift seemingly wants to avoid this way of defining a singleton. It is way longer than the single-line-singleton, which is considered best practice in many posts i found on the web.
So, would it make sense to you to define these service-classes completely static? Or would you go with another solution or the solution above?
Thanks for all help