This is my latest brain child for clojure, could it be done with less code, cleaner, or in a more re applicable way? I am at a pretty early stage in my clojure learning so an in depth explanation of how and why my code is faulty would help me get a handle on what I am doing wrong so I do not build bad habits.
(def next-apendage
#(hash-map :name (clojure.string/replace (:name %1) #"[0-9]" (str (+ 1 %2 (read-string (re-find #"[0-9]" (:name %1))))))))
(defn add-apendages
[times part]
(loop [done 0
final-apendages [part]]
(if (= done times)
(inc done)
(conj final-apendages
(next-apendage part done))))))
(add-apendages 2 {:name "tentacle-3"})
;;OUTPUT->[{:name "tentacle-3"} {:name "tentacle-4"} {:name "tentacle-5"}]
That really ugly looking first function takes two arguments a map and a number. The number is added (with a compensation for done starting at 0) to the :name string of the map. The second function condenses the new appendages along side the original into a list. The third section is a call to the second function.