Seems like ive found a great solution, my entire loop can be rewritten as this:
InvokeOnAttr<DisplayAttribute>(property, a => {
Name = a.Name;
Group = a.GroupName;
Description = a.Description;
InvokeOnAttr<MinLengthAttribute>(property, a => {
Validate.MinLength = a.Length;
InvokeOnAttr<MaxLengthAttribute>(property, a => {
Validate.MaxLength = a.Length;
InvokeOnAttr<RegularExpressionAttribute>(property, a => {
Validate.Regex = a.Pattern;
Validate.RegexError = a.ErrorMessage;
If this method also is availible in the class (it takes a property, finds the attribute (of type TAttr provided), and if found executes the passed in action on it:
public void InvokeOnAttr<TAttr>(PropertyInfo p, Action<TAttr> action) where TAttr : Attribute {
TAttr attr = p.GetCustomAttribute<TAttr>();
if (attr is ValidationAttribute)
if (Validate == null) Validate = new MetaValidate();
if (attr != null) {