OK, see below, it fetches configuration updates from the db. It is going to be a lot of code :)
First of all, we need a helper infrastructure base class to help compare configurations:
abstract class ValueObject<T> : IEquatable<ValueObject<T>>
where T : ValueObject<T>
protected abstract IEnumerable<object> EqualityCheckAttributes { get; }
public override int GetHashCode() =>
.Aggregate(0, (hash, a) => hash = hash * 31 + (a?.GetHashCode() ?? 0));
public override bool Equals(object obj) =>
Equals(obj as ValueObject<T>);
public bool Equals(ValueObject<T> other) =>
other != null &&
public static bool operator==(ValueObject<T> left, ValueObject<T> right) =>
Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(ValueObject<T> left, ValueObject<T> right) =>
!Equals(left, right);
Infrastructure interfaces:
interface INotifier
void Notify(bool critical);
interface IPerformanceCounter
double Value { get; }
interface IConfigurationReader
Configuration Read();
Where Configuration
class Configuration : ValueObject<Configuration>
public Configuration(Intervals intervals, Thresholds thresholds)
Intervals = intervals;
Thresholds = thresholds;
public Intervals Intervals { get; set; }
public Thresholds Thresholds { get; }
protected override IEnumerable<object> EqualityCheckAttributes =>
new object[] { Intervals, Thresholds };
with Intervals
class Intervals : ValueObject<Intervals>
public Intervals(TimeSpan configuration, TimeSpan measurement, TimeSpan notification, TimeSpan criticalNotification)
Configuration = configuration;
Measurement = measurement;
Notification = notification;
CriticalNotification = criticalNotification;
public TimeSpan Configuration { get; }
public TimeSpan Measurement { get; }
public TimeSpan Notification { get; }
public TimeSpan CriticalNotification { get; }
protected override IEnumerable<object> EqualityCheckAttributes =>
new object[] { Configuration, Measurement, Notification, CriticalNotification };
and Thresholds
class Thresholds : ValueObject<Thresholds>
public Thresholds(double notificationLoad, double criticalLoad)
NotificationLoad = notificationLoad;
CriticalLoad = criticalLoad;
public double NotificationLoad { get; }
public double CriticalLoad { get; }
protected override IEnumerable<object> EqualityCheckAttributes =>
new object[] { NotificationLoad, CriticalLoad };
Nothing really interesting so far - we just defined equality logic for configurations to help detect changes.
Here are some fake implementations to make test work:
class Notifier : INotifier
public void Notify(bool critical) => Console.WriteLine(critical);
class CpuCounter : IPerformanceCounter
public double Value => Math.Sin(DateTime.Now.Millisecond / 1000.0);
Fake configuration comes from this class (try to change it its content dynamically):
class ConfigurationReader : IConfigurationReader
public Configuration Read() => // fake implementation
new Configuration(
new Intervals(
configuration: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
measurement: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.01),
notification: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
criticalNotification: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)),
new Thresholds(
notificationLoad: 0.3,
criticalLoad: 0.4));
Here comes core RX
stuff. I would say that it is really compact and maintainable realization:
class HardwareMonitor : IDisposable
readonly IConfigurationReader ConfigurationReader = new ConfigurationReader();
readonly IPerformanceCounter PerformanceCounter = new CpuCounter();
readonly INotifier Notifier = new Notifier();
public HardwareMonitor()
void Setup(Configuration c)
_sync = Observable
.Select(i => ConfigurationReader.Read())
var alarms = Observable
.Select(i => PerformanceCounter.Value)
.Where(load => load > c.Thresholds.NotificationLoad)
.Select(load => load > c.Thresholds.CriticalLoad);
_notify = Observable.Merge(
.Where(critical => critical)
.Where(critical => !critical)
.Sample(c.Intervals.CriticalNotification)) // allow non critical notification no more often then ...
public void Dispose()
IDisposable _sync;
IDisposable _notify;
Feel free to let me know if you have questions.